hatching tooth

  1. R

    strange behaviour in one of my hens

    i got this hen a couple years ago so she’s 2 or 3 years old. it looks like she never lost her baby tooth (i think that’s what it’s called? a small hook on the tip of her beak) i looked it up and it said it was fine so i left her since she was too skittish even if i was supposed to trim it or...
  2. KathiQuacks

    My ducklings keep needing assistance, because they don’t have an egg tooth. Why??

    Hello BYC :frow So, I’ve been doing a staggered hatch over the past couple weeks, and during that time, I’ve had 7 eggs make it to lockdown. Out of the 7 eggs, 3 of them have had NO egg tooth. One of them didn’t make it, because they covered the safety hole I put in and couldn’t pip a new hole...
  3. K

    Mallard duck doesn't have a hatching tooth

    Hello! I am hatching ducks in my classroom. This is my sixth time hatching, and something new has happened. One of my mallards pipped two days ago. He has made a bigger hole but does not appear to be zipping. When I candled all the mallards, they all had the "saddle" air sac from shipping. Two...
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