hatching eggs 101

  1. S

    Eggs hatching 2 days early.

    Hi, I am brand new to incubating eggs. This is my very first go around. anyways, I’m using a nurture right 360 and I set the eggs on February 18th and today is day 20 and I have 1 chick fully hatched and drying and 2 pipping. My question is why would they hatch earlier? Also, if none of the...
  2. Cocohens

    Does .5 make a difference in incubation temperature?

    Hi all, My incubator is sitting at 37.7 degrees on the outside but the little temp gage on the inside is sitting at 37degrees. Should I add temp so that the inside says 37.5 degrees? Im on day 4 of the incubation and want to make sure that the .5 degrees doesn’t ruin my hatch? Thanks so much
  3. MiniBarnFarmMaine

    Which Is The BEST Incubator?

    Thinking of hatching some of my eggs that my new layers just started laying. Cracked one the other day and it is indeed fertile (white bullseye). Which incubator have you used faithfully that gave you the best hatch rates?
  4. 5

    Fertile or Not Fertile 2.0

    Hello again fellow chicken lovers! okay, so I think I have a fertile egg, since I witnessed one of my hens mating with my young roo yesterday. I believe the egg to the far right is fertile…?
  5. Harley Chick

    First timer Hatch-A-Long

    Hello :frow wanted to jump right in! I will soon to be the proud mother of 6 polish eggs. Hoping to receive Khaki & Cuckoo colors? I have a broody hen right now, her name is Stella, she is a Golden Laced Wyandotte, fat and sassy and if memory serves me 2 seasons old. Never in my wildest...
  6. chickenbritt5908

    How to vaccinate freshly hatched chicks...?

    I have a week before my incubator babies are supposed to hatch. I want to give them the best chance so I understand vaccinating can help with that. When, what, how do I vaccinate them once they hatch?
  7. Duckman39

    Incubator egg turner

    Has anybody used any other automatic egg turner in their little giant incubator? It measures 15”x15”. I bought one for one of my incubators that was $47 off eBay and it works great but I’m looking for a cheaper one to go in my other one.
  8. T

    First time hatching. Is this normal?

    I’ve got a hen hatching 6 fertilized eggs we bought and put under her while she was broody. This our first time hatching eggs and one has begun hatching. The head and most of its body have been out about 3 hours but nothing much has progressed since then. Still lying next to the mama hen with...
  9. Dcolvard

    Internally popped eggs

    so this is just a quick question. I am on my 2nd batch of ever hatching duck eggs. I have 19 mallard eggs in an incubator with an egg turner. My first batch of eggs went great. 95% hatch rate. But now 10 of my 19 eggs have internally pipped 5 days early. Now I know, your technically supposed to...
  10. Ms Biddy

    Storing eggs in warm weather

    I'm about to start collecting some hatching eggs but the weather has warmed up and the coolest room in my house is around 72F with 50% humidity. I don't have anywhere with 50F conditions except my fridge which is 40. Will it be okay to hold eggs for 6 days in the 72 degree room?
  11. lazy gardener

    Before you plug in that incubator

    Hatching season is upon us. Lots of folks are gearing up for their first hatch with a new incubator. Others are getting ready for yet an other season of hatching. No matter whether it's your first hatch, with a brand new or even borrowed incubator, a home made incubator, or a repeat...
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