
  1. Bartonsfinest

    RIP gizzard the grey 😭

    One of my hens passed away last Friday 😭 I haven't even had her a year yet. Gizzard the grey Friday around 630 pm I put the girls away for the night made sure they had food and gave them fresh water. All 5 girls were happy and healthy I gave each of them a rub on their chest and said I love you...
  2. J

    Loss of my favourite chicken

    Hi everyone, Today I just discovered by counting the flock (and just noticing my cute chicken didn’t appear) that I was missing one chicken. Turns out it was our favourite chicken… Fluffy. Fluffy was one of the first hatchlings we had here and was the only one who had fluffy feathers. She was...
  3. B

    ISA Brown Hen Acting Sick, Quiet, and Losing Weight

    My 3-year-old ISA brown hen, Sandy, has not been acting herself in the past months. She is quiet, even more so than normally and even while around the other chickens. She is slow to move with the flock as they rotate around the yard, freeranging. She ruffles her feathers, sits in one spot, and...
  4. Alanna1

    Gave away ducklings 😭

    Yesterday afternoon I made the horrible choice to give away my ducklings. I had two - a runner and a pekin. I took them to the vet and after weeks and weeks of debating I thought it would be best to give them up to her. She told me she would give them to an animal sanctuary. The assistants all...
  5. B

    What kills chickens but leaves the entire body

    I had a flock of seven chickens but today I looked outside and they were all dead. I found five of the bodies and was able to bury them but I’m missing two but I don’t know what would kill the entire flock and leave most of the bodies completely intact? We’ve had a hawk recently going between my...
  6. MrsChickenTender

    I am bad chicken mom and now my babies are grieving I think

    ADVICE! I have 3 - 8 week old chicks that hatched around same time and now roam the yard together. Well one (americauna/easter egger) I accidentally killed last night cause she was roosting on the track of garage door around 9pm (I keep the younger ones in the garage until I can sort out the...
  7. Kittys Coop

    Memorial of Winston Churchill the best Silkie Rooster

    Please delete if this isn’t allowed. I lost my best roo today and I’m having a hard time dealing with it. There has been a local Bobcat sighting at two areas near us and we live right between both areas. Within the days of those sightings we’ve now lost 3 birds in 4 days and the loss of Winston...
  8. ducklover1030

    Duck Lonely after companion passed

    Hello! so i got 2 ducks to raise around april of 2021. We were going strong for 9 months until my male duck, Rascal passed away from a sudden sickness. i realized as Rascal started getting sick. My female duck started picking on him more and more and nipping at him about a month before his...
  9. C

    Button Quail died leaving her friend on her own. What do I do? Is it best to leave her on her own, or does she need a friend?

  10. S

    my chicken died suddenly.

    Hi there, I have six chickens... some are golden brown, others are black with purple and orange tinge and two are big white ones. all about 9 months. On Monday we saw the two black ones in the same nesting box as they only want to use one and one black one is brooding, the other was trying to...
  11. M

    Is my duck grieving?

    Today i had to put down one of my beautiful Muscovy ducks at the vets. My concern is how to spot grieving in my other duck. He wasnt there with us as he was left at home but of course we left with puddle and came home without. I cant tell if hes trying to talk to her or look for her or is just...
  12. L

    Sick or depressed?

    Hi everyone, I recently lost my 5 year old silkie due to oviduct blockage. She was laying soft-shelled eggs and had 'solid material' in the oviduct. She was humanely euthanised last week. Now, my second egg-layer (3 year old French Marans) is looking very unwell. She was laying very small...
  13. H

    Depressed duck

    Hi! I have a mallard duck who’s sibling recently went missing. We believe she was taken by a bird of prey. They were very close so he’s obviously upset. He started swimming around the pond, we thought he might’ve been looking for her but he wouldnt stop, not even to eat. Eventually we got him...
  14. P

    Help for grieving duck

  15. M

    4 mo pullet pulling out her tail feathers. Is she grieving?

    Esther, my ISA Brown pullet, is pulling out her long tail feathers. I caught her doing this yesterday. She is not eating them, but there is mess in my yard (they free range every day). This started after we had to re-home a "she" EE two weeks ago, that started crowing almost all day long...
  16. Knepper

    Ancona ducks and other breeds?

    My precious male pete passed away. Its been very very hard for me and for his mate. He was a very gentle boy so i worry about getting her another male who may be agressive... she was more of petes protector than the other way around. Should i get her a duck of the same breed? And should i get...
  17. Coye16

    2.5yr Pekin Bantam: Advice Please: Sick, Grieving or Lonely?

    Hi Everyone Abit of background: Afew weeks ago I posted a thread about my Pekin Bantam - she had a swollen eye/ earlobe with a tick on which we removed. She was lethargic & not eating much & after 2.5 days the swelling did not go down. We took her to the vet who gave her an antibiotic injection...
  18. |Aphrodite|

    My rooster’s ‘favorite’ hen died

    My rooster, hades, had been lonely after his brother left him to go with all of my other chickens. I had tried to get them together but it didn’t work. I took out a gentle hen who was a golden laced wyodnette hen. The two bonded and he never mated with another hen and took extremely good care of...
  19. chickenlover chickencrazy

    Depressed and Grieving Hen

    Help! My chicken, Lavender, is struggling after her "mother" and "best-friend" died. Lavender is a silkie hen, about 1 to 1 1/2 years old, laying frequently (every day). We had an ill Rhode Island Red hen that was her "carer" in a way - they were always together. She got an impacted crop and...
  20. Afro Chicken's Flock

    Afro Chicken's Flock

    When I was a kid, I always wanted a farm. Well, life got in the way so I started focusing on the main career related goals. It wasn't until my dad's tragic passing, that happen this past Christmas Eve. that I finally decided that I needed some outdoor therapy. I feel like anything can be cured...
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