goose questions

  1. KathiQuacks

    Potential first-time goose owner! Does my plan sound good, and other questions.

    Hello goose-side of BYC! :frow I’ve been on the duck-side for around 2 years now, and recently I’ve considering expanding my flock to have geese as well. At the moment, I have 3 adult ducks - 1 boy, 2 girls - as well as 10 unsexed ducklings. By the time the ducklings are grown, I’m hoping I’ll...
  2. strawberricatt

    Lonely And Sick Feral Goose

    There is a local park quite close by, where people often give bread to the ducks. Of course, whilst it is traditional, it's not good for the ducks, and on the Northland (Where I live)facebook page they announced that all the bread released a toxic bloom into the water. And sure enough, multiple...
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