golden sexlink

  1. A

    Pros and Cons on a Golden Sexlink Rooster?

    I am being given a Golden Sexlink rooster. I currently don’t have a rooster for my flock, but I think one is needed for protection. Research shows they are very gentile and docile. I’m wondering if this is not a good breed for protecting. Thanks in advance for your advice.
  2. N

    Sick Golden Sexlink Chicken - Need Ideas on Cause

    We have a Golden Sexlink Chicken that is at least 30 weeks old. She was purchased as a "coop-ready 6-11week old" chicken back in June. We noticed she would sleep on the floor of the coop while the other chickens slept on various levels of the roosting bars (more than enough space for everyone...
  3. N

    First week of laying

    Hello. I have a 21 week old golden sexlink, this is her first week of laying, and she has laid 8 days in a row. Is this normal? I feel so bad for her she must be exhausted. I know they are all her eggs because I only have 3 chickens and the other two are still 18 week old pullets. They have...
  4. yodelinginca

    Funny behavior when laying?

    Y'all, this makes me laugh every time. When I catch my Golden Sexlink hen in the laying box, she's always picking up pine shavings & dropping them on her back. Any idea why? (Also, the look she gives me is equivalent to when you forget to lock the bathroom door & somebody barges in)...
  5. H

    My Hen Ethel is acting weird and I'm worried about her

    This morning she was standing near the door staring at a wall. I gentle got her to come out, but she went one part of the run and stayed there. Worried she might get to hot later I put her back in the coop. She looks physically fine, but I don't think she has eaten or drank anything. Out of...
  6. writergirl

    Golden Sexlink Roo?

    So I got 4 Golden Sexlinks from Tractor Supply (My feed-store's first shipment didn't survive and they mentioned TS used the same hatchery as them) and 3 are doing great and I'm sure they are pullets. One though, I picked because the fluff was a lighter color than the others and I like to have...
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