gold star

  1. F

    12 week old gender

    Was told they were a gold star which I know to be a specific "brand" of red sex links. The other one I got is pretty much a solid red. I'm thinking hen but there is a bit of color in the comb and waddles. When she was a chick, her down was pretty light so I was convinced that she was a roo but...
  2. F

    Mystery chick, gender and breed?

    Was told it was "a gold star" but I don't know :/ his/her tail is growing in miraculously slowly and is much much smaller than the 4 other chicks I got at the exact same time. I know there are late bloomers.. but they are all 7 weeks old and this one is half the size of the others. According to...
  3. F

    5 week old chicks, gender and breed?

    When I first bought them, the lady present said Bantams. Then I was doubting so I called the store and the lady that owns the place told me that they were jersey giants and gold stars. I've done a lot of research on gold stars and hardly anything pops up, it's genuinely annoying lol so idk if...
  4. M

    Lemon or Waylon...

    Here I am again with another gender situation. This is my gold star pullet, “Lemon”. He had a breed partner Penelope but unfortunately a hawk found her so we have no comparison for physical attributes . We got her/him mid January and he seems big compared to the other chickens but again I don’t...
  5. M


    We started our chicken tending in August. We started with 8 but lost 1. A couple of weeks ago, we got 7 unknown breed/sex abandoned chicks. And then... while grabbing supplies a couple of weeks ago somehow 4 more found their way home with us! How does this keep happening?? Oh well...
  6. D

    Suuuuuper Chicken

    When I was a kid, there was a cartoon that featured, pluck-pluck-pluck-pluck pla-pluck Suuuuuper Chicken!! Anyway, always thought chickens were fun — and they can be. Anyway, I'm new to BYC, but not super new to chickens. I've been raising and hatching them for the past 7 or 8 years and raising...
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