goat answers

  1. C

    Goat utter difference ( 5 months pregnant)

    First picture was Saturday second is today. See any difference
  2. C

    Does this seem like goats mucus plug? (she is 5 months pregnant)

    She is five months pregnant unsure of days but if I had to guess she’s definitely in the 140 to almost 150 range. She has milk bags and I can see her hips came home to check and was wondering if this looked like a mucus plug ? Thanks in advance !
  3. F

    Goat Question

    Hello, I am going to be taking home an 8 week old buck from a breeder soon and I was wondering if it would be okay to bottle feed him goat milk supplement to help encourage bonding even if he was been weened off his mothers milk? If this is not a good idea can you help me understand why? I...
  4. HensAndFriends

    Goat Sweet Feed

    You guys helped me out last time I had a goat related question! Thank you! My goats: Three doelings ages from 8-11 months old One wether 8 months old All of them have been getting 2 cups of Purina Goat Grower in a communal trough. Since they will be a year old soon, and I plan on breeding and...
  5. HensAndFriends

    Pine Shavings Safe?

    I know this is a poultry specific forum, but I just thought I'd ask :) Are pine shavings safe to use as goat barn bedding? I understand that cedar shavings are bad for any livestock/pet, since they can cause respiratory problems, and other issues. My goats like to nibble on the fresh straw I...
  6. HensAndFriends

    Can Forage affect Goat Urine Color?

    Can pine needles and fallen leaves cause a goat's urine to turn a rusty brown? I dry lot and have lots of Eastern White Pines, a walnut tree, a few red Maples, and even a Kwanzon fruitless Cherry Tree. Once the leaves start falling, from the red maple and the fruitless cherry tree, will they...
  7. HensAndFriends

    Copper Deficiency: Fishtail?

    Hey again! So, my goats have Manna Pro Goat Mineral available in two locations in their enclosure 24/7….. Is this tail exhibiting fishtail? His coat is a bit rougher than my other goats’, which he has had ever since I got him. Also, whenever I pet him my hand has hairs on it. Finally, he and my...
  8. goats-n-oats

    Billy kid alpine goat panting and face-planting

    Hi, I recently acquired a 7-month old alpine buck, Morris. Registered Alpine buck. He is a big 'husky' boy, probably 90 lbs; I wonder if he has become a tad overweight since I got him a month ago. He was in a 4*12' pen for a few weeks, then I started letting him run around the barn with my other...
  9. D

    Goat bleeding please help

    Hello I’m new to goats. my 2 year old doe is bleeding :( i don’t really know what happened. She has been mating with a buck for 3 days could it be that? I also don’t know if she got pregnant these past 3 days because today her milk production was lower than normal. And her stomach was a bit tight.
  10. TimberLine Homestead


    I'm getting a baby goat christmas week ( I named him TIMBER )ITS A BOY!!!!!! I would like to know if there are any other goat lovers or goat owners out there. If so do you have feeding tips I am still learning about he will be out all day while we are outside to supervise him. Our neighbors goat...
  11. S

    CL IN GOAT! ????

    I know this is a chicken page but any goat lovers out there. A friend of mine’s goat had developed a lump over night. all of her animals are healthy, and have had their shots, wormer. But what does this look like? CL? Or something else?
  12. S

    Can goats get along with dogs??

    So we recently got two goats, a doe and a kid. This is our first time having goats, and our dog (medium-small sized) is fine with the goats, but the doe is very aggressive with the dog. Given the chance she will back him into a corner and head butt him repeatedly. She is always on the defense...
  13. HappyFeetHens

    HELP! Skittish Show Goat/Regaining Trust

    This year I’m showing a boer meat breeding doe at my county fair. When we first bought her, she loved me. I has her to wear I could skip a halter on no problem and walk her without any big issues, just training her to stay where she needs to be and such. She was super sweet, was cuddly and...
  14. BeeandThistle

    Bottle vs. Dam raising goats

    Hello! My sweet Daisy goat is pregnant and due in a few weeks! I’m a first time goat .... birther(?) I’m trying to figure out how to raise the healthiest, sweetest kids that will eventually go to 4H kids and families as pets. What are your tips and recommendations? I feel like I’m...
  15. NubbyRyuu

    Turmeric for Goats?

    Bit of an odd question, but this stems from what my goat is going through. So long story short, starting a few months ago, Jordi started peeing red. I called the vet who came down to look at her and do an ultrasound (which she wasn't still for at all; you need an army to hold this goat, and...
  16. 4-H chicken shower

    Is she having trouble kidding

    Hey guys, my 2 year old nanny has been acting strange lately I know she should be getting close to kidding (her first time) but I don't know when exactly she was bred. I think she may be having contractions because she will stretch her neck back and roll on the ground and paws at it a lot.she...
  17. S

    Help with drug admin for goats...

    Hi! Does anyone know if it is safe to give CD&T vax while a doeling is receiving penicillin? My baby is ready for her second does of vax, but she was attacked by the neighbor's dog and we are giving her penicillin for her wounds. Not sure how to proceed. Thanks!
  18. Gadtellum


    does anyone breed mini Nubian and have f4,f5 or f6 buck to breed to my f3 doe With good milking line
  19. Reaganfla

    HELP!!! My goat is acting strange

    About a month or two ago I noticed my female 4 y/o Pygmy goat making some strange noises, that wasn't her usual "MEAAAAAAA." It almost sounded like she was snorting like a pig. When she did call out it sounded very nasally. I became concerned when this behavior was more frequent. Now I've...
  20. 13ChickenGirl

    Goat breed search

    Hi! This is the place you can ask advice on different breeds, what breed fits your weather conditions, milk production, and how much noise you are able to handle! I'll start us off with the question... What is the quietest breed you can think of? Oh, it needs to be heat tolerant because I'm in AZ.
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