
  1. Emrosenagel

    Can a gizzard be too full with grit?

    Hello! I recently had a hen with some strange crop issues(made a post but got no help), so I took her to the vet for an x-ray. She has no tumors, no visible blockage (an egg happened to be in the way further down), but the vet said her gizzard was packed with grit. Is it possible for the...
  2. Crop size, the digestive process and what influence it may have on feeding regimes.

    Crop size, the digestive process and what influence it may have on feeding regimes.

    If you’ve arrived at this article looking for solutions to crop problems this article is unlikely to be of help. More relevant information can be found in the two excellent articles below...
  3. zimileih

    Help with necropsy results

    Here is a previous thread about this hen Was her deterioration due to the impacted gizzard or was that due to her weakening body? I was honestly expecting mareks since we had another put down a month earlier and results were mareks but not pcr verified. I feel really bad if she was going...
  4. lulu1642

    Impacted Crop Help

    Brenda appears to have imacted crop, hard and full yesterday very lethargic she layed an egg on wednesday, pooping tiny amounts, she has access to grit etc - she is 4. Adminstered olive oil and have been massaging but no sickness. The crop appears to be much much softer and not so full. 1)...
  5. B

    Can my poult digest plastic???

    I have a three-week-old tom poult who swallowed a small piece of plastic. (A syringe cap: no sharp edges, about half an inch long.) I contacted our vet and he believed it would "handle itself." I have him isolated for monitoring. His appetite is excellent, acts like he feels fine, drinks...
  6. B

    Quarantined chicken and pebbles for crop

    My hen, Bernie, is hopefully on the mend from flystrike. We have her in the house for as long as it takes for the exposed flesh to heal. How often does she need to have access to small rocks for her digestive health?
  7. Bocktobery 10

    Blind chicken, stones for gizzard, dilemma...

    Need some advice with this situation as I’m not sure what to do. I have a blind (mostly blind, I found out he can see some light and objects) serama rooster who is two years old. He does not eat on his own. The way I feed him is that I take regular chicken feed, add warm water to it, let it...
  8. Kimmyh51

    Prolapsed Vent, not egg laying..causes?

    Female duck who isnt laying prolapsed vent not eating, unsure whats going on. Hi guys, sorry this is so long... I have a female duck who is 2 years old, with a prolapsed vent. She is not laying and There is no sign of her being egg bound etc. She has been this way for 4-5 days now. She is...
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