gender 5 weeks

  1. montana_chicks

    Hmmm… things aren’t lining up. Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, or Dominique?

    Hello there chicken experts! I have three 5 week old chickens I’m unsure about and would love to hear your thoughts… Chickens #2 and #3 are supposed to be Cuckoo Marans (pullets)… or so they were labeled. I’m beginning to think they’re actually Dominiques. Their combs and leg color aren’t...
  2. R

    Curious of genders for three 5-6 week Rhode Island Reds

    I recently aqcuired three chicks from a person from work (yesterday, actually.) They got them from a farm supply store (which sourced them from 'Hoover's Hatchery'), and didn't buy them as straight-run or all females, they just picked out the individuals they wanted and the worker grabbed them...
  3. J

    Roos or Hennys? :(

    Hi friends! New here - first post, just joined! We have 2 5 week old Rhode Island Red and 2 5 week old Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks and it has been a wonderful journey for our family thus far. My SLW we have no doubt are females, but the RIR, they are giving us fears we have Roos! Wife, kids...
  4. S

    Gender of 5ish week Buff Orpington

    I believe I brought this one home around the end of March, it was the only BO in the 7 chicks I purchased - the other 6 were black australorps, 5 of those were roosters lol - so I don’t really have any BO this age to compare it to I do have some BO pullets that I brought home at the end of April...
  5. JesWith3

    5+ week old pullet or roo? Breed?

    We decided to grab this chick in question from TSC about 5 weeks ago. He/she was the only dark chick in a tub of White Leghorn babies and we thought "why not". No clue the breed, but we are leaning toward Prairie Bluebell Egger or Olive Egger. Does anyone know? And can anyone tell roo or hen...
  6. C

    Blue Plymouth Rock pullet or roo? 5-6 weeks old

    New chicken owner here! Please help me identify if this blue Plymouth chicken is a pullet or roo. Supposed to be a pullet! Age: between 5-6 weeks old. I’ve gotten mixed answers everywhere half say hen half say roo. This is a mix between blue Andalusian roo and barred rock hen. On one of the tail...
  7. K

    First Time with Aquila's... Pullet or Roo?

    We added to our little flock this year with 13 chicks. 🐣🐥🐤:love All are 5 weeks and so far, I am fairly confident that 12 out of the 13 are pullets. The exception is one of my two Aquila's. "Midnight," pictured below, already has a pink comb, while his sister's is grey and smaller, has thicker...
  8. R

    5 week old Buff Orpingtons, gender?

    Hey y’all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I have these roughly 5-5.5 week old Buff Orps who have been very difficult for a while. Any guesses on genders? Thank y’all! First 3 are chick 1, #4 and 5 are chick 2. Thanks!
  9. Backyard Divas

    Future Hens or Roos? FBCM X CCL

    I have 3 five week old French Black Copper Marans (roo) X Crested Cream Legbar (hen) chicks and of course I am trying to figure out if I have pullets or cockerels. The mom lays fairly olive colored eggs already, so I would think the eggs of these will be even darker olive. I only plan on...
  10. Mrcox

    Any idea on the gender of my 2 Easter eggers?

    I’m obsessed with these babies. Best chickens I’ve ever had, so friendly and weird lol. They are 5 weeks old and I’m terrified one or both will be Roos. Any guesses?
  11. Silkiesaz

    5 week old chicks Gender please!

    I will post pictures of each chick separately there are 4 of them. The yellow ones and Buff Orps/RIR the others are RIR. Thanks for any help you give me!
  12. georgiegoose

    Help needed with Khaki Campbell / possible Cayuga gender (5 weeks)

    Hello! We are new to incubating eggs and recently hatched our first duckling which is now 5 weeks old. We have a young Khaki Campbell (?) duck that has been a bit tricky to sex, I was wondering if anyone can help us or if it is too early to say with any confidence. Edit: We were sold these...
  13. M

    Pullets or Roos for my 5 week old Easter Eggers EE and 7 week old Silkies?

    I think I have three pullets and three roos between my six birds. Thoughts? Any guesses on adult colors also welcome! #1 Roo? #2 Roo? #3 Pullet? #4 Pullet? #5 Roo? (Black Silkie) #6 Pullet? (Blue Silkie) Please let me know your guesses for 1-6!! (And if you want additional pictures of...
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