
  1. Sproutablossom

    Duck with weird skin and bald patches - Anyone seen this before?

    So we have this little drake who gets picked on by the other boys (he has since been removed from the boy pen) They liked to hold him down and tear out feathers. It wasn’t bad at first as they all tugged on each other, but then we noticed that he started to do it to himself. Like self...
  2. Tanya22

    Fungal infection or Respiratory issues of rooster with wry neck

    Hi everyone. For almost 2 months now, my rooster has been suffering from wry neck and weak legs. He also has a breathing issue.. if he stumbles even a little bit, he starts breathing heavily. His nose sounds completely stuffed. He head is almost down to the floor the entire time he is standing...
  3. N

    My duck has this weird wound on his feet

    Hi guys..My Pekin duck recently has this black and red scars on his feet..Idk what is this..I put some ointment on it but i guess it's getting worse(I'm not sure yet)...Is this a fungal infection or bacterial infection? And should i gave him antibiotics?
  4. I

    I know that this will be a lot, but I really need help with this.

    I know that this will be a lot, but I really need help with this. I have a pet broiler chicken (1 year and 10 months old) experiencing severe respiratory problems, likely due to a fungal infection, possibly candidiasis. This infection has affected multiple areas, including his comb (his comb...
  5. L

    Mystery Foot Disease: Ever seen this?

    Hello friends! My 7-month-old Ameraucana has been limping and in pain. I checked her foot, and it was splitting at the creases with flaky/crusty skin at the toes. The ankles are clear. It looks almost looks like a "chicken's athlete's foot." Things I've Tried: 1. Carefully debriding...
  6. M

    Chicken has white spots on comb and black tips

    Hi all. My hen is a lavender Orpington about 6 months old, and I realized her comb has some white on it with black tips. I think it’s been this way for quite a while, but since another hen got a comb injury I’ve been paying closer attention to all the others. Do you think this is maybe some sort...
  7. BarryTheBold

    Fungal? White Spots on Rooster Comb

    Greetings! I do not know what this is? It looks fungal, they are hard and not squishy. They come off, but not easily. There is more in the crevices and middle of the comb. He does not seem to be bothered by it. He has had this for a while, no other chickens show anything like this. I have...
  8. henfriend1998

    2 year old hen not eating, incredibly inactive + thin, standing w/ her head close to her body and her eyes closed all day, clear thick droppings?help!

    my two and a half year old buff brahma hen Frida hasn’t eaten for two days now, has been not acting like herself, standing kind of hunched and fluffed up with her head near her body and her eyes closed, and only pooping clear, thick (almost mucousy) faintly reddish brown droppings with thick...
  9. Goosebaby

    Oxine antifungal information

    I don’t like just taking someone’s word for something, it’s caused problems for me in the past and let’s be honest, a lot of people spread bs around without realizing it’s bs, like the medicated feed toxic to waterfowl myth for example. So I was curious about Oxine’s supposedly curing birds of...
  10. M

    Chukar Partridge possibly infected, dizzy (ataxia) and shaking! HELP!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Chukar Partridge (red-legged partridge) 2) What is the behavior, exactly. he shakes and he is laying down (more than usual). can't seem to stand up. seems dizzy when he tries to walk...
  11. H

    Fowl pox, Favus, or something else?

    On Wednesday, November 11, we discovered yellowish blisters on Bonnie's comb. She's a 7-month-old Brown Leghorn who just started laying about two weeks ago. I shared her pic with local chicken keepers who said that she has Fowl Pox. I isolated her immediately and began giving her electrolytes...
  12. D

    Hen has blue comb and respiratory probs!

    I have a 1.5 year old leghorn that has been acting odd and I can’t figure out what to do next. On 6/23, I saw her extending her neck and gasping twice and then her behavior returned to normal, so I just assumed she had something stuck in her throat and she cleared it. On 6/24, she began...
  13. H

    Yellow Crusty scabs

    Hi I have a little Japanese bantam that is 1year old. She lives indoors as shes slightly disabled with her tiny legs and hops around rather than walks. Shes not very good and preening herself so l help as mush as possible with a nit comb that works well Recently she has started with crusty...
  14. L

    Need advice re: potential fungal infection

    Hello! I've been battling some kind of issue/infection with my Polish Hen for almost a month now. My observation is that she does great while being [cool] misted with non-activated Ozine and backslides when I stop. I've done this twice now and have gotten similar results both times: Bring...
  15. Boggy Henbit

    Fungal? Canker? What’s on her mouth??

    Hi guys, This is 1 yr old Eyesie (she had an eye pecked out as a chick), she is my absolute favorite of 120 hens! She has had this inflammation on her mouth developing for about a month. I have tried vetrx, just finished 3 days of Copper Sulfate w/ ACV & probiotics. Previously tried nano silver...
  16. flutemomc

    FYI for those in recent fire burn areas!!

    Hi everyone, We live in Santa Barbara County just below the Thomas Fire burn scar. We got tons of smoke and ash during the fire (we did evacuate including the chickens to another area) but our chickens seemed to be fine afterward with no respiratory problems. Unfortunately, over the past...
  17. Chippychick123

    Is this normal?

    My hen has had this stuff in her ear for awhile I think now I was just wondering is it was normal she doesn’t seem to be in any pain and she doesn’t mess with it if you need better pictures I can get them if needed
  18. Treating Candida (yeast) with Medistatin (Nystatin) - under construction

    Treating Candida (yeast) with Medistatin (Nystatin) - under construction

    Nystatin can be used to treat some strains of candida in poultry. According to most veterinary formularies and references, the most common Nystatin dose is 200,000 to 300,000 IU/kg two or three times a day. Lafeber vet recommends 300,000 IU 2-3 times a day, so that is what I will base my...
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