frozen water

  1. Cooler Waterer

    Cooler Waterer

    Credit for my idea goes to Muddy Hill Farms and their cooler adapter for insulated Coolers. When I purchased them, they were $26 for 4 of them. They lasted two summers but this third summer. I decided I wanted something that would overcome the design flaws with this particular setup. • Must...
  2. Watering Your Flock In Extreme Winters WITHOUT Electricity or Spending $100.

    Watering Your Flock In Extreme Winters WITHOUT Electricity or Spending $100.

    Many of us have fell into the popularized options that surround almost all of the winterizing kits out there, making it almost hard to try to find alternative ways of heating our waterers! So if you're reading this entry, then you probably are annoyed with winters' old tale: freezing our...
  3. Terri126

    Frozen Side Mounted Horizontal Nipples - How to keep them from Freezing?

    I have a 5 Gallon Bucket with 5 Horizontal Nipples. The bucket is located in a run which I currently have 2 sides covered with thick plastic to stop the wind and snow from getting in. I have the K&H Perfect Bucket Heater in there now, which is a thermostatically controlled 80 watt water heater...
  4. Derry-NH

    Winter will be here.

    Just trying to plan ahead. How do most people keep fresh water available in New England states or colder regions during winter months.
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