
  1. A

    2 male pekin ducks

    I just learned there’s a buy/sell section of this forum! I’m based in Clackamas county Oregon. I’ve had 2 male pekin a for 3 years now, and I can no longer take care of them. I posted a Craigslist ad but I figured I should expand my sources a bit. I’m moving soon and I won’t be able to bring...
  2. Sunnypollito

    Quail farmers in Monreal canada

    Hola, estoy buscando criadores de codornices en Montreal, Canadá. Voy a visitar esa ciudad y me encantaría comprar un huevo para incubar. sobre todo si son codornices de diferentes colores y genes. Si saben de algún contacto se los agradecería mucho. :fl :oops:
  3. JayTheGoat

    Ayam Cemani Roosters for sale or trade!

    I have four Ayam Cemani roosters who are in need of a new home, as I have 8 roosters total and need to pare down. I’ll take laying hens or even turkeys and/or guinea fowl in trade. If you want to purchase them, they’re 25$ each OBO. Cemanis are very sweet as a breed, as long as they don’t have...
  4. EggspectoPatronum

    Looking to buy in Central Kentucky

    I’m in central Kentucky looking for 4-8 week old Rhode Isalnd Reds or Leghorns. Females ONLY. I’m only looking to drive maybe and hour or so to pick up. I know this is a long shot but my two reds were killed and I would really like to have some reds back in my mix. Thank you.
  5. diamondsilkies

    For Sale (AZ): White Silkie Cockerels from Bobbi Porto

    I have two white bearded silkie cockerels, hatched in mid November. They are both vaccinated for Marek's disease. I purchased them from Bobbi Porto of Indigo Egg as babies, but ended up with a couple more roosters than I need. Neither of them are aggressive. I don't have the permits for shipping...
  6. DylanTheEmuMan


    Hi! I am looking for young emus that are for sale. I have a wonderful home and years of experience with them. Right now I am trying to find some new babies for sale but it seems to be impossible! If anyone has any news on where I could buy one, or if you yourself are selling a few, please feel...
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