foot infection

  1. Itsacluckinconspiracy

    What is happening here? Fowl Pox?! Foot infection, probably NOT bumbleoot

    photos: 7 mo silverrudd, heritage Rhode Island roo and hens. A week ago I noticed my rooster was limping and not using one foot. I inspected the foot and he was missing a toenail and bleeding. Figured he got it caught on something, cleaned it up antiseptic and watched. Affected toe began...
  2. L

    Mystery Foot Disease: Ever seen this?

    Hello friends! My 7-month-old Ameraucana has been limping and in pain. I checked her foot, and it was splitting at the creases with flaky/crusty skin at the toes. The ankles are clear. It looks almost looks like a "chicken's athlete's foot." Things I've Tried: 1. Carefully debriding...
  3. Ashleys backyard farm

    Foot/leg injury…only using one leg

    I wanted to make a separate thread for Miss BBs foot/leg injury. She holds up her leg close to her body and just hops around when she has to. She mostly just lays all day. When she tries to put it down her wing falls down almost like a crutch to break the fall. This has been going on for 3 weeks...
  4. R

    What's this growth on my hen's foot?

    Hey...I have a problem. Cluckers has some growth on her foot. I'm not 100% positive what is it, but I think she has bumble foot. Is it something else or is it bumblefoot? I need to treat this. 😢 Also...whatever it is, how do I treat it? She got cut by something too. It's only on the bump. The...
  5. Yooniebean

    Chicken limping (possible bumblefoot?)

    Hello, today I noticed my chicken , biscuit , was limping. Took a picture and it seems to be swollen in the middle and there's a big ish hard bump too in her middle toe(??) Her other foot looks completely fine. Firsr Thoughts is that it could be bumblefoot but it looks different when I searched...
  6. M

    Foot Issue Need Help Diagnosing

    Please note: this is not my duck! This is a duck belonged to my neighbour. I’ve been feeding the ducks on their farm, and after having a mild case of bumblefoot on my own duck Peeper recently, I decided to check my neighbour’s duck’s feet today. I can’t tell if this is what is going on with...
  7. D

    Extremely swollen feet/bumblefoot?

    Hello! I've never written on this forum before but my family and I could really use some help on determining what is wrong with one of our chickens. Here are some photos: (let me know if you can't see them) Her feet have been getting worse over some time. We didn't think it was bumblefoot...
  8. NuggetTheChicken

    Help! Severe Duck Bumblefoot Healing or Not?

    I noticed my pekin girl was limping a little, and when I checked her feet, I found that her foot pad was the size of a golf ball and had a huge scab on it. I immediately did surgery on it. First I soaked her feet in warm water and epsom salt for about 15 min. I then peeled off as much as I could...
  9. Chickadee00

    Swollen feet

    Hello, my lady has swollen feet. When I got her a few weeks ago I made a mistake and didn't check her feet, she had scaly legs, which I've been treating with ballistol oil. They're getting better and suddenly today I see that her feet are swollen like this? Could this be bumble foot? Should I...
  10. ChickenPeep

    Silkie With Bumblefoot?

    Hello everyone, Let me preface this by saying that I am a grad student that lives at my parents house. If I seem uninvolved in this situation, that's why. My mom does most of the chicken work! Recently, one of our silkies has developed swollen toes and feet. I noticed it about a week ago. Her...
  11. Liv's chickens

    Gangrenous foot?? Need help ASAP

    A few months back my turkey’s foot seemed swollen and he was constantly pecking at it, causing his foot to bleed. I cleaned it and wrapped it, and he seemed to act normal again, until the wrap fell off a few days later. He continued to peck at it but each time I cleaned it and wrapped it and it...
  12. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Mysterious Hard Lump on Joint

    I recently noticed a hard lump on the inner side of one of my 1.5 y/o RIR's ankles (around where her foot meets her leg). It does not feel warm to the touch, and is quite hard. It seems a bit pinkish, but it's hard to tell, because all of my chickens' feet get a little splotchy and pink when...
  13. L

    Very young baby with badly infected foot! Help!

    Brought home from the feed store today. The entire foot is swollen and purplish. Skin is split between toes, I think from being stretched so tight. There is also a small split in the bottom of her foot from the pressure, got a lot of clear yellow fluid out of that, but it is not bumblefoot. A...
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