foot aliment

  1. C

    Leg/foot hatching injury, disease, what's going on?

    The baby call duck just hatched today a day later than all the rest and I noticed there is something off with it's foot/ leg? I need help and advice my first time with hatching ducklings.
  2. S

    Stiff toe?

    I feel as if this roosters causing me more medical scares then anything. See this rooster he's a big guy. I honestly couldn't tell you what type he is. But he's big maybe like 8 or 9 pounds of just bulk. He's always limped I've noticed since keeping him out. Even as a chick he's never been...
  3. jewelg

    Foot disease, or just aging?

    Hello! I volunteer with a local garden that has chickens, and I have my own first flock but they’re only 3 years old. One of the hens at the garden is considerably older and her feet look a bit gnarled, dragonny, thickened and scaly to me. Is this a normal part of aging for chickens or is there...
  4. Amberb123

    Swollen foot cannot walk- hit by car/bumblefoot/mites?

    Hi all one of my hens went missing for 3 months and by a miracle we found her on the side of the road this afternoon! She is unable to walk and we are unsure if she was hit by a car or if it is an infection. She is eating, drinking and purring. I’ve attached images below also! I look forward...
  5. Benshensct

    Bump on top of foot

    Trying to figure out what’s on my jersey giant Fran’s ankle area. It looks like some sort of bump or nodule. Not sure if it’s bumble foot or scaly mites or something else. She’s walking fine and doesn’t seem bothered by it. You can see that her scales in that area are raised but they lay flat...
  6. L

    Mystery Foot Disease: Ever seen this?

    Hello friends! My 7-month-old Ameraucana has been limping and in pain. I checked her foot, and it was splitting at the creases with flaky/crusty skin at the toes. The ankles are clear. It looks almost looks like a "chicken's athlete's foot." Things I've Tried: 1. Carefully debriding...
  7. F

    4-6 week old chick limping

    Hi All! I am new to raising chickens and my favorite chicken out of our flock has been limping the last 2-3 days. Ive been doing a lot of reading on Mareks and she doesn't seen to have any of the symptoms. She doesn't have bumpy skin, no leg or neck or wing paralysis, her iris are brown and...
  8. isabellajosie

    Hen Limping, Possible Sprain?

    Hi, all. I have a nearly one year old Sapphire Gem hen. I noticed today that she’s limping. It doesn’t seem that bad, she’s moving around, kicking up dirt and leaves in the yard, but it’s noticeable enough that she’s limping. I wasn’t able to spend much time out there with them yesterday, but...
  9. M

    Injured Foot

    My 1.5 year old SLW hen is limping and not putting much weight in that foot while on the roost bar. We’ve brought her in and soaked it in Epsom salts 2 nights in a row. Tonight she did not want to put that foot into the water. We’ve also used gauze to put chlorohexidine on it to clean. The pads...
  10. M

    Possible bumble foot?

    This girl has always had weird feet so we didn’t immediately catch this. Is it bumble foot? Her toe is swollen and the tip is basically black (she never had a normal nail on that toe so it’s not missing). She’s limping too. How bad is this? Should I rush her to a vet? Her feet are really...
  11. Launchpad

    Male Cayuga - normal feet or bumble

    Frasier is an almost 4 month Cayuga. Today I noticed him standing on one foot two separate times. So we caught him and took some pictures. There was a small cut on the L foot and it's not even visible in the photos which may have been the source. But I noticed the spots and it's the age old...
  12. S

    Swollen foot

    Hey all, long time lurker first time poster. I have a coturnix quail with a swollen foot. We noticed it a few weeks ago and posted in some fb groups for quail and got the consensus that was a sprain. However after nearly a mo th the swelling hasnt gone down. She still eats and plays with her...
  13. Tmartin7711

    Broken leg maybe please help!

    Hello everyone! My mystic onyx hen Calypso got locked in the garage and I believe stepped on a rat trap. I feel horrible I didn't even notice she went in. Her symptoms are: Laying on side Limping Swollen foot I have been giving her water with electrolytes in it but I think I need to wrap it but...
  14. CalBickieMomma

    Any advice for treating arthritis in elderly hen?

    Hello! I have an elderly (8.5 years old) Barred Rock whose legs/feet have been gradually growing stiffer and making it difficult for her to walk. A few days ago I noticed her really struggling to stand/walk. I have brought her inside and have made sure she can reach her food and water, taking...
  15. M

    Bumblefoot or broken foot?

    This particular hen did have bumblefoot in her left foot pad and one of her right foot toes which I took care of. However, the pad of the right foot has been swollen for some time and I can't find a spot to make me think it's bumblefoot. She walks on it, but with a limp and sits down a lot. So...
  16. 6


    I have heard many different opinions on whether to use or not use Baytril 2.5% or Baytril 10% to help cure a recurring and swollen bumblefoot. Question 1: Is Baytril SAFE for hens and, after a 2 week egg dumping/withdrawal period, can I eat the eggs from my treated hens? Question 2: If I...
  17. 6

    Baytril 2.5% or 10% for Treating a Recurring Swollen Bumblefoot??

    I have heard many different opinions on whether to use or not use Baytril 2.5% or Baytril 10% to help cure a recurring and swollen bumblefoot. Question 1: Is Baytril SAFE for hens and, after a 2 week egg dumping/withdrawal period, can I eat the eggs from my treated hens? Question 2: If I...
  18. R

    Help! 6 week chick with leg/foot problem

    Hi everyone! Love this site, used it many times and finally made my own account. I have a 6 week old black sumatra that's developed a foot/leg problem. I can't seem to figure out specifically what's wrong. He limps a little bit but its not as noticeable when he's walking, more so when he's...
  19. IbchrisL

    Need help identifying and treating a foot ailment

    This growth is on a 1-1/2 year old Buff Oprington hen’s foot. It is smooth brown and looks like it is an impacted bump that can almost me popped off. I have been soaking in epsom salt, wrapping with a gauze soaked in Vetericyn Plus and covered with stretch tape. Today it was softening enough to...
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