
  1. Hen_House04

    Bumble Foot Help!!

    Hey there! First timer for bumble foot and it has this chicken mama in a tizzy!! I’ve soaked and soaked her foot in warm epsom salt for the past 3 days and have been trying to pull the bumble out with a pair of clean tweezers. I’ve sprayed vetrx on it every night and keep it wrapped in guaze to...
  2. EasterChickens

    !EMERGENCY! Hen is limping when running

    Hello everyone, one of my Easter Egger hens (Smokey) is limping whenever she runs. However when she walks slowly, she walks normally and doesn't limp. She eats and drinks perfectly. She does lay down in a corner because she is not feeling well about her foot. It seems like she is limping towards...
  3. H

    Chick with a bad foot

    I just got some silkie chicks yesterday. This little one's foot seems to be folded and is causing her to stumble some when she walks. She seems to be perfectly fine aside from this, eating, drinking, and following her siblings around. The leg seems to be ok as well. It supports her weight. But...
  4. A

    Weird brown stuff on chick’s nails

    My 4 day old male chick is seemingly very healthy but has weird brown spots at the ends of each of his toes. He bites his toes a lot so he may be in pain. I will attach a picture of what I am talking about. Could this be bumble foot? I have never seen that look like this before. I do not think...
  5. Watermeat

    Round balls coming out of chickens feet

    Two of my hens are having a little issue. One of them has not been walking for two days now, and one has been limping for around the same amount of time. I inspected them for injury and found these round black-brown balls that pulled out from between their toes (the one not walking only had...
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