food production

  1. BReeder!

    Discussing Mulch in the Garden

    My garden was a mess of weeds last year. I was determined to prevent that from happening this year. I pull weeds, but I decided mulch was going to be the key to my plan moving forward. I'm hoping I don't regret it. The idea is that mulch suppresses the weeds and prevents weed seeds from...
  2. Tre3hugger

    Shiitake Mushroom Farming on Logs at Earthen Acres

    Hey everyone. Today I am starting my shiitake mushroom grow process. Figured i'd share...PART 1 Last week I cut down a white oak tree, and ordered a set of 1000 shiitake mushroom plug spawns from field & forest website. Today I spent the morning processing the oak, preparing it for inoculation...
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