food amount

  1. Chimichangas

    Can baby chicks over eat ?

    I have 13 pullets and I feed them natures wise starter grower, medicated. Yesterday one of my pullets had eaten so much that it’s pouch was almost at its beak when standing. I sadly don’t have pictures of it right now. The pullet is still alive. But that begs the question, can baby chicks over...
  2. Wordstoyourface

    What do i feed my mixed age flock?

    Hi! I have around 30 chickiens,chickens, from 12 weeks to 25 weeks. I've noticed my younger ones are very thin. Everyone is active and eating. They all get along,I have cameras and check in periodically throughout the day while I'm at work. My layers are laying fine. I have 1 roo,and potentially...
  3. TundraFang

    How much food for crossbeak?

    I have a crossbeak/scissor beak EE and she's been eating mash for a while. She has stopped gaining weight and is less than 1/4 the size of her siblings. I've began tube feeding her 20ml twice a day. Is this enough? She isn't able to eat anything so the only food she gets is from tube feeding...
  4. BonNuit

    Food and water amounts for sick/recovering rooster

    Looking for wisdom from those more experienced. My roo, Otis, ended up with severe frostbite on his combs (one part actually came off -- and was collapsing in the coop. When I brought him inside, he just sat motionless and only drank if I dropper hydrated or put his beak in the water. He took...
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