foamy eye

  1. mukasorehari

    Slightly Sunken Foamy Eye with Pink Membranes (Photo)

    Dear BYC, please help me to figure this out… My favorit White Brahma hen, Vanessa Paradis, has this two layer of pink membranes on her right eye, it doesn’t move. It’s not the third eyelid, her third eyelid still function normally… It makes her left eye sunken a little bit than the right eye. I...
  2. Z

    My Chicken Is Sneezing And Has Foam In 1 Eye, But Is Acting Healthy

    Hi everyone my Frizzle Silkie mix has been sneezing for a bit but she has been acting normal so I thought nothing of it. I use a scratch with a lot dust, so I thought the sneezing was because of that. Today I noticed one of her eyes had foam in it, so I immediately isolated her. I also took out...
  3. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    One of my girls has foamy eye disease from over-mating and it’s quite sunken and swollen. At first I thought her eye had been pecked out and panicked, but it seems to still be there behind the swelling. She’s still eating and drinking, but her eye looks really bad. I could bring to the vet ER if...
  4. orrlux

    Foamy Eye/Sinus Infection? Please Help!!!

    Good Morning! Yesterday I discovered one of my ducks has a really bad foamy eye. My Drake passed a few months back and since then my female duck has become the favorite to pick on/“mate” with by the other ladies. The back of her neck is nearly bald and, as I just mentioned, has developed a...
  5. T

    Is the vet worth it

    I have a Peking drake, very big but only 5 months old. A few weeks ago he suffered a foot injury, looks like his middle toe is broken. He was unable to really put weight on the foot but he still managed to get around. I isolated him and put him in a pool to swim and get exercise everyday to try...
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Perpetually Watery Eyes: What's Going On?

    Hello! Over the past couple of weeks I've noticed that my almost 2 year old EE's fuzzy cheeks have been wet looking, almost as if she's been crying. At first I thought she was getting them wet in the waterer, but today I noticed one of the eyes looked foamy. Of course, as soon as I went to get...
  7. CHSchxLady


    HELP! whats wrong with my sweet little Peggy. Foamy eyes and looks like a circle at the top corner of her left eye. the top of her crown is the same. Is this contagious? Is she going to be ok??? HELP!
  8. K

    Peking duck rapidly declining in health advice needed

    Hello! I live in a residential neighborhood with a decent sized lake in the backyard. Well someone decided it was a good idea to dump 3 Peking ducks with clipped wings in the lake to fend for themselves. I enjoy sitting on the dock and feeding the fish, so naturally they took to me. I have...
  9. darrylv50


    I have 4 Buff Orphington ducks that are 2 years old. They free range with my chickens in our yard which is surrounded by fields with a treeline on one side. Four days ago when I went out to put everyone in the coop for the night, one of the female ducks was missing. When she was not there...
  10. Daglebagel

    Our Pekin has an eye issue??

    We just gout our ducklings in the mail, and our Pekin looks like he has a lot of eye boogers or missing and eye or something, what could it be?
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