fluid build up

  1. W

    Large ISA Brown Chicken Lethargic with Blood Shot Eyes

    Hi everyone, I have a ISA brown chicken (~2 years old) that has been lethargic, sluggish, and slow recently. She has always been much larger than all the other ISA brown chickens in the flock. I let the chickens free range during the day, and she has been unable to keep up with the others who...
  2. GyrlsInVT

    Please help Loretta :(

    For a few days now my girl Loretta has not been feeling well, I first noticed this when I saw her walking like a penguin, my first thought was egg bound however after doing everything for that it ended up not being that, then a group online said she had the classic symptoms for water belly, so I...
  3. B

    Advice needed, duck Incubation fluid?

    Hello, I've owned ducks before, but this is my first hatch. It's now day 29. Temp has been 99.5 up until lockdown, at which point I decreased it by a degree. Humidity has been 55%, until lockdown, at which point I increased it. Candled eggs, and they're all still moving, but no pips. It seems...
  4. juliebugg86

    Chicken's eye has built up fluid in one eye and distened tummy.

    I thought that my chicken had puss in her eye, but it is actually an accumulation of fluid. She also has a distended abdomen. It seems like there is fluid built up in her. what could this be? She has not eaten anything this morning. I have her in a cage in the laundry room. is it better to keep...
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