flowers and chickens

  1. Hen Pecked Wolves

    Can Chickens eat these red flower vines

    I’m not sure what these lines are! We live in Florida. I noticed this morning that my chickens are picking up these red flowers when I fall off the vines and eating them😲! None of them have been sick and they’ve been out here for a few months! Thank you guys so much for all the help y’all have...
  2. Fence Flowers

    Fence Flowers

    Adding color to the Chicken Yard - they can't eat these :)
  3. Bluestem

    Native plants and chickens

    I plan on putting my coop and run in what was previously a native plant garden. There's still plenty of plants growing in there, though they've wound down for the winter. My question is, does anyone know if any of these plants are harmful to chickens? If so, I'll dig them up and move them...
  4. MyISAbrownhens

    Chicken safe mulch?

    i have a lot of chicken safe flowers planted around my chicken coop, but it's been very rainy the past week and all the soil is almost washed away. Is there any mulch that is chicken safe? I'm using pine straw right now which I heard was ok for them but I was wondering if there was anything else...
  5. ChickieLinds

    Solution to keeping plants safe

    We let our hens free range and they will do a number on our flowers. My husband welded together this cage and we put then netting on top. Now the flowers can grow and the chickens can't get to them.
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