
  1. ShrekDawg

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    This thread is for all caged birds and parrots!!!! I think there might already be one but it’s long dead and we were starting to hijack the dog thread so I figured I’d make a new one so we can continue the discussion here :lau I used to have parakeets (budgies) but had to rehome them last year...
  2. Papaye

    Questions about quails (and other birds)

    Hello. I would like to have some advice, opinions, or whatever about small birds specifically - mainly about QUAILS... ...In order to try to get rid of my allergies, I plan to buy quails - probably Japanese Quails : I have severe allergies, and I am kind of really desperate to get rid of them...
  3. SemiQ

    White Zebra Finch?

    I've got a friend with some zebra finches (4 to be exact) and they have hatched two groups of eggs. Eight the first time and now four. The first eight were all normal coloured finches but this time one out of the four is a white finch with a bit of a darker head. None of the parents look like...
  4. A

    Other birds to have in my avairy?

    I currently have a pair of king quails, 2 pairs of zeba finches, 1 of diamond doves and a pair of Gouldian Finches. I'm wondering what other birds and quails i can add into my avairy that get along with the birds that are already in there (other species of finches to), thanks.
  5. A

    I caught a finch, could be wild or one of my lost ones.

    There is a finch that always comes to mine trying to get in the cage. It's quite friendly whenever i comr outisde as it doesn't bother flying away. I decided to make a trap to see if it was one of mine who escaped or a wild one. How could i tell?
  6. ConfusedTaru

    Anyone else kept quail and finches together?

    I have been keeping my coturnix quail with two society finches for about a year now, and I wanted to know if anyone else has done that :) i do not have a picture of their current setup, but it is a 3 1/2 foot tall rat cage with 2 sq. feet of ground space. this is a bit of their old cage: it was...
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