
  1. S

    Help! Are these duck eggs fertilized!

    Help! Are my duck eggs fertilized??! I have one drake and the rest are hens I cracked these open because I read in Google you can tell. I still can’t tell. Anyone have advice??
  2. L

    Are my eggs still alive??

    Okay so I had 8 fertilized chicken eggs that the mum has been sitting on for a while now and they were supposed to hatch on Friday and 2 hatched on Thursday and one did on Friday but when the 3rd one hatched the mum stopped sitting on the rest of her eggs but I left them be in case anymore hatch...
  3. C

    I need help! Is this buff goose egg fertile? Trying not to have to check them manually XD

  4. A

    When is day 18???

    Hello so this is my first time incubating eggs and I know that it is one day after you set them in the incubator until it is day 1. I just overthink a lot and don’t know if it is tommorow at 12:00 am or Sunday at 12:00 am, but I put them in the incubator on day January 9, 12:00 am so I just...
  5. M

    Is this egg fertilized?

    I have six chickens, they all just started laying. Does this egg look fertilized? Thanks!
  6. Quacking ducks

    Are these duck eggs fertilized?

    These duck eggs have been in the incubator for 6-7 days now and there are still no veins. Are the eggs not fertilized? Do I throw them out and start over? Thank you
  7. Donnasita

    Can this egg be save?

    Today is day 17 of incubation. I have a broody Silkie sitting on several eggs but the other hens fight their way into her nest box to lay. This egg must have been crushed. Is there anyway to save it?
  8. LizzzyJo

    I need hatching eggs fast if anyone has them 😊

    Hi All, One of my girls finally went broody this year and all of the hatching eggs from hatcheries are gone!! I am looking for a fun variety of cold hearty breeds. I would love some welsummers, Cochins, EEs or something like those. I live in NW Ohio and if anyone has ones they can ship I would...
  9. V

    Young Rooster and old rooster fight and don't fertilize egs

    Good afternoon. I am from Portugal and I have 2 bantam rooster and 6 bantam hens. I recently added the new rooster (young). Most of the time they get along nicely, but when one of them tries to mate, the other comes running and pricks the other. One prick and the fight is over. Sometimes the...
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