
  1. T

    Lining or worms…once more CAUSE?

    Guys I need your help here. I posted another article last month for one of my newest birds (3mo cockerel). He and his sister had been battling mysterious frequent shedding of intestinal lining since they were 2mo and still living in a clean room in my house. After antibiotics and time they...
  2. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    From Thin-Shelled Eggs to a Swollen Crop: An Ongoing Mystery

    **I'm sharing this ongoing saga for two reasons: (1) to glean insights/experiences from others that might shed light on my EE's plight; and (2) to provide some insights to those experiencing similar issues.** THE BROKEN THIN-SHELLED EGG AND CROP ISSUE: I've posted before about my 17 m/o Easter...
  3. Quail Diseases, Health Issues and Keeping Your Quail Healthy

    Quail Diseases, Health Issues and Keeping Your Quail Healthy

    Quail Diseases Quail are generally quite hardy little birds and don't get sick often if kept properly. But on that occasion that they do, you will need to know how to heal and later on prevent further illness. Good hygiene is the number one way to start. Keep your birds environment as clean...
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