emu egg

  1. C

    Emu egg - no signs of life

    Hi, i need your help with my emu egg. Today is the day 52 of incubation and egg shows no signs of life - no wiggles, no whistles,…but its tilted to one end and it keeps that end warm. I tried every possible test i found but im really concern about its life. I have been turning it 7 times a day...
  2. 5

    Emu egg question

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer already but I thought I would ask. I have an egg on day 34 and its ends are different temps. there both cold to the touch but the sides have different temps, the side with the letter on it is a little warmer than the other side. Is this a dead egg? Here is...
  3. 5

    wrong temp(some what urgent)

    it's around 30 days in for my first emu egg, and I just notice that the temp that was being displayed was wrong it was set to 97.5 but the real temp was around 94.4ish. It's losing the right amount of weight though; even with the real temp. Can I assume that this egg won't make it haven't seen...
  4. Y

    Emu Bleeding

    So two of my emu eggs (day 57) were hatching and one came out with no compilations and is doing well but the other one I think rushed himself or hurt himself while coming out of the egg, he is bleeding and I think I see his intestines coming out from where is umbilical cord was, his egg was...
  5. Reebz

    Low-budget EMU egg incubators? :)

    Hey guys! Hope you’ve all been well and had great Xmas/New Years! Now is my fave time of year because of EMUUU season! Yay! :yesss: Does anyone have any recommendations for some LOW-BUDGET incubators (around £250 max!) as much as I drool over the Brinsea Ova-Easy’s, £700+ is maybe a lil bit too...
  6. Reebz

    Emu egg incubation... 1 month in... POWER CUT :(

    Hi guys, so I don’t really know what I’m hoping to achieve with this post, other than (at the very least) to utilise my current situation as an informative experiment for others to refer to, should they find themselves in a similar situation to me right now. So it is my first time trying a...
  7. LittleLeighFarm

    Looking for fertile EMU eggs in KY Area

    Hello, I am looking for 2 to 4 fertile Emu hatching eggs in the KY area. I am in Corbin Ky but willing to drive a couple hours and may consider shipping. I can be reached on here or email at [email protected]. thanks for all the help.
  8. E

    Need emu incubation advice!

    I am currently hatching out 3 emu eggs. The first one started incubation on 3/28, the second on 3/31, and the third on 4/14. I have slowly been weighing them whenever I get the chance but I am unsure of the formula of weight loss on emu eggs. I currently have them in the chicken egg incubator...
  9. emu6200

    Emu Egg Rolling but turning back onto the top

    Hi PLEASE HELP!!!!! I have an emu egg and I am currently storing it until I get the incubator (tomorrow). I took the egg out of the storage box to rotate it but when I rotate the egg and its on its side, the egg rolls back to its top on its own. Is this normal? is there any way to tell if an...

    Incubators! Incubators! Incubators!

    Alright i want to make sure everyone knows where the best and cost efficient large egg incubators are at...I feel everyone makes there own and or uses a chicken one because looking up emu incubator on google only shows multi thousand dollar ones. So if you have any incubator ideas or a good...

    Need Help Incubating! EMU EGG!

    I recently bought an emu egg and a $65.00 chicken egg incubator to incubate one emu egg and i have it perfectly set to 98.1 degress and 35% humidity and i hand turn the egg 3-2 times a day! I have weighed it and it has already lost 2 grams in the last 24 hours! Im so excited!!!! I really hope...
  12. A

    First time hatching emu eggs & one might be stuck

    Hi so I got my eggs in mid-March and out of the two that I bought from Colonia estate one did sound off and did lots of ugly on day 45 it is now on day 52 and although he is waiting like crazy he still hasn’t externally pipped. He sounded like he was getting weaker so yesterday I made a tiny...
  13. P

    Emu Eggs for sale, ship US

    I have too much emus, and don’t want to hatch them anymore. So I will sale all emu eggs this year, available almost every week. Willing to ship to other State. If you interested, let me know. Terms and Conditions, please read: 1) This Pictures shown are the actual pictures of my birds, and...
  14. T

    HELP! Emu chicks with deformities

    In February I purchased 3 emu eggs. I was so excited to start this new journey. In the incubator they go. My Hubby and daughter weigh them once a week to ensure that we were on track. Then we started the wiggle test... so exciting...then the first one started to hatch- we had to help the little...
  15. Kaitlyn18

    Stuff found on emu egg

    I am on day 36 with incubating an emu egg. It’s set on 96.5 degrees and humidity stays at 48-50%. I added a bowl of water so it wouldn’t lose too much water. When I got home this evening to turn it I noticed stuff was dried on the egg. It doesn’t smell but when I picked it up something literally...
  16. Kaitlyn18

    Emu Egg Help

    PLEASE ONLY EXPERIENCED EMU HATCHERS ONLY! Hello, I am on day 34 of the incubation process of an emu egg. My temperature is 96.5 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity stays around 50% but I added a bowl of water inside. I did weigh the egg but it is not digital so it is hard to get an exact weight...
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