
  1. T

    Help with confusion over electrolytes and medicated feed

    Hello! My partner and I are raising a flock for the first time. We have 4 Buff Orpingtons and 3 silver laced Wyandottes. They are 2 weeks old as of yesterday and from everything we can tell, they seem to be thriving! I have a couple of (hopefully quick) questions about their feed and water...
  2. truebluewhitingowner

    Can 5-6 week old chicks drink electrolytes and probiotics in the same water?

    Hi! I am new to this community and chicken caring and was wondering about water. Can I mix a pack of electrolytes (the sav-a-chik) variety as well as around 10 grams of probiotics? I want them healthy as possible without overdoing it. Thanks in advance for answering my question regarding this. :)
  3. R

    Could Electrolytes be a bad idea?

    Before our long heatwave started, I had been switching off between ACV and a lactobacillus supplement in the girls' waterer. Then I read that when it's hot, you should stop giving ACV and give them electrolytes instead. So I switched to the Rooster Booster probiotic and electrolyte supplement...
  4. Ashara

    Excessive heat, vomiting water?

    We have had extreme heat for over a week with the last 4 days being 110 to 118. Our coop has lots of shade and we have water misters and a small wading pool available. We change all the water often to keep it cool.. All of our chickens drink a lot and have been panting heavy all day, every day...
  5. Nellylee

    It’s hot, electrolytes for how long?

    I live in Arizona and we’ve been trying to keep our chickens cool with tarps, misters and now electrolytes. I read that you are not supposed to give them electrolytes long term due to the salt. What else should I give them to help them out? They seem to really like the electrolyte though.
  6. Elie And Her Flock

    Liquid white droppings with green chunks

    Hey guys! I'm new to the Backyard Chickens site, and fairly new to chicken keeping - i've been doing it for 2 years now. Today while cleaning my flock's coop, I noticed that one of my chickens (a 2 year old hen) was not being herself - lethargic, hunched over, not eating and barely moving. I...
  7. BzKneez

    Socializing chicks

    It's been awhile since I've raised chickens from baby chicks. I'd like for the chickens to be friendly and used to being around people. My older hens are very friendly. The chicks are 3 weeks old and I have them housed in a large cage in my guest bathroom right now. I also have two dogs and two...
  8. Henry&Friends

    Brooder questions? Getting chicks again!

    I’m getting a half dozen chicks today or tomorrow (found out this morning :celebrate) I’ve brooded chicks multiple times now, and I think I’ve got the brooder setup down. I’ve got a resealable bag of poultry electrolyte and vitamins, and I’m wondering if I should give them some for the first...
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Please help. Possible heat stroke, or sick?

    It's been pretty hot here. Nothing intense like I see some people post about, but high 80s with lots of humidity and very little breeze. Our coop/run is shaded and we offer plenty of fresh water and frozen treats, and will mist down the run at peak hours. Thus far they've been fine, albeit with...
  10. boggart

    Chick is lethargic and has an empty crop

    Good morning. My little chick “Roo” is very lethargic today and will hardly pick at his food. His crop is empty/squishy compared to my other chicks, he has a poopy butt, and he is wobbly on his feet with low-hanging wings. Any ideas of what could be wrong and what I can do to help?
  11. B

    Sick Hen... Not sure whats happening! Arizona

    Hi Everyone, Arizona resident here, so maybe I can get some input from some Zonies… I have a cute little 6 month old hen who is getting super lethargic, falling over herself, and being last to all food/waterings throughout the day. We found her in the backyard laying out at night (all the...
  12. DolceVita

    Prevention// chicken health in hot weather

    Hey guys! I recently and just finish a corid prevention cycle on my 5 chickens after a recent death in the family. It’s really hot and some times wet over here! I live in SC and it can reach 90 degrees and I was wondering if the heat and the wet/muggy conditions could cause them to develop...
  13. H

    Using Rooster Booster for Chick with Wry Neck

    Hello all, I have a chick, just about four days old, who appears to have a wry neck. Although its condition is opposite the normal description of wry neck (i.e., stargazing) because it's head/neck bends down. It often tucks its head under its body, starts walking backward and then flips over...
  14. thefadedstitch

    Treating for Respitory and Cocci

    Hi, Long story short, I've been treating with Tylan 200 for a respiratory disease that has slowly spread through my flock. It has effected my 3 mo. old chicks the most with the biggest loss in their ranks. They are also fluffy, not gaining weight and not growing. There is a 6 mo. old pullet...
  15. Keeperoflock

    Corid, Electrolytes, Vitamins, Appetite, Heat Questions... CONFUSED... NEED HELP PLEASE

    I've been treating (successfully) for coccidiosis. I'm on day 7 treating with 2 teaspoons Corid per gallon of water. Tomorrow I will begin a 7 - 14 day treatment of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. It's been really hot and humid here in central Indiana and it's going to be hot and humid for the...
  16. SweetTea&Chicks

    Chicks arriving in a week!

    We’ve ordered 7 chicks from Meyer Hatchery that are scheduled to hatch June 18th so they should be arriving in a week or less. This is my first time ordering but my brother has experience ordering so I can get help from him. When I went to get supplies from TSC I couldn’t find electrolytes...
  17. N

    Durvet Vitamins and Electrolytes- multi species powder

    I was unable to find the Durvet for poultry but found this. Has anyone used this for their chicks? Trying to figure out the dilution for chicks and in comparing it to the poultry version it appears that many (but not all) of the components are double what is recommended for poultry. If I just...
  18. Swastik Choudhari

    Electrolyte for mumma and chicks..??

    So my chicken is sitting on eggs to hatch and had not got up from day 18 today is day 20 i think they will hatch soon..i give my chicken lil feed in bow near her nest and some grains in the bowl...bt as she has not got up she will be little weak...so can i give her some electrolyte water(home...
  19. jopheso

    DIY Electrolytes for the HOT SUMMER

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