#eggbinding #collapsedegg

  1. N

    FlyStrike + Hole Under Vent

    I’m hoping someone can help! One of our hens was acting lethargic, so I gave her an exam and found quite the scene on her bum. There was an infestation of maggots. I promptly moved her into the garage, cleaned the area, and removed the maggots. There was also something protruding from the...
  2. W

    Bantam lays abnormal eggs

    Hey everyone! I'm in need of some advice. So, lets start at the beginning, I have had silver laced bantam wyandottes for a couple years now. I started with a pair, then later in the year i bought 8 more pairs. I kept back one male from the 4 i bought, then i sold the rest to friends and family...
  3. K

    Possible broken egg stuck in vent

    Aloha Friends. I just adopted 14 hens and one of them has a poopy butt. I thought she may be egg bound. she's fluffy and since she's new I am not sure if she always looks this way or what... Today I also noticed some blood too. They just finished molting and they are not yet laying full time...
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