egg incubation

  1. S

    Eggs hatching 2 days early.

    Hi, I am brand new to incubating eggs. This is my very first go around. anyways, I’m using a nurture right 360 and I set the eggs on February 18th and today is day 20 and I have 1 chick fully hatched and drying and 2 pipping. My question is why would they hatch earlier? Also, if none of the...
  2. L

    5 days of incubation - infertile egg?

    This egg has had 5 days in the incubator, 37.5-38.5*C, trying to keep humidity around 55% though I found it dropped so suddenly overnight a couple times without warning. Photo is before incubation started, video is now (video on youtube as can't attach videos on here directly). Please could...
  3. M

    Incubating and hatching eggs

    I started hatching eggs for the first time ever and started off with 9 eggs and I lost two during early stages when I checked the eggs on day 18 they were all moving and doing well I put them into lockdown and on day 19 at around 9am I saw one had pipped, came back a few hours later and it was...
  4. A

    Duck Egg Incubation

    So I’ve been incubating some duck eggs from my khaki cambells, it’s day 13 and this is what the eggs look like. Ive never incubated eggs before let alone duck eggs, can someone tell me if these are viable?
  5. Puddingtheamericana

    Is this duck egg fertile?

    i recently made a post about a duck egg i found on uc davis campus. so i have been incubating the egg for 7 days now, a week, and based on duck egg incubation progression charts i’ve seen there should be some noticeable veins by now. i cant really see anything, the egg looks like this when...
  6. Goosey Girl

    BAD egg smell

    Goose eggs in incubator. Day 22. One egg had a very mild dirty sock smell. Had seen swishing about 10 days ago, but the egg continued to draw down and seemed to be growing and I thought maybe the bird was developing. Found post mentioning a red ring around inside of egg where air sac was...
  7. A

    Cayuga egg help

    Hello all, I’m Andy and a complete newbe to forums and also egg hatching. I live in sunny uk, north west 🙌. We had 2 Aylesbury ducks from chicks about 2 weeks old. Picked a random 2 from 20+ chicks and they turned out to be male and female. Perfect luck. They where skittish at the start but soon...
  8. F

    Egg Development (not a question)

    The candler that was used is a Magicfly Egg Candler. Why Candle? Candling allows you see the development of eggs from day one to before hatch, remove possible exploders, rottens, and eggs that stopped development. It also allows you to see cracks in eggs before incubating, (which should be...
  9. ButtonHoarder

    Button quail hatching

    Hi, I got buttons a few weeks ago and they just started laying. I was thinking about hatching some eggs and wondered what kind of incubator would be best?
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