#easteregger #rooorhen

  1. Brianna245

    Can you give me your guess on my chicks GENDER!

    My backyard mix chicks are 4 weeks now and I am starting to see some comb development, I have an idea of what they may be gender wise but I would love some of your guesses. Thanks! :) Chick single comb A: chick pea comb B: Chick pea comb C: chick single comb D:
  2. B

    Just shy of 7 week old Easter Eggers- afraid I have several Roos?

    Hi everyone! I have 4 Easter Eggers that are two days shy of 7 weeks old. I have been reading a lot of past threads on here discussing different birds this age and now I’m afraid I may have multiple roosters! I thought the best thing would be to sign up and ask about mine specifically. I have 4...
  3. thronesandroses

    7 weeks old Americana/EE and Ayam Cemani… roosters or hens?!

    I think the EE may be a rooster and the Ayam Cemani is a hen
  4. T

    Is my 16 week old EE a Rooster or a Pullet?

    I bought 4 EE “pullets” almost 16 weeks ago, and two have turned out to be Roosters… I was pretty sure this sweetie was a Pullet, but now I’m not sure. The tail feathers are metallic green, but not the same as the boys, there isn’t any rust color in the wings, and the comb (even though red)...
  5. ChickenKittyKansas

    Check my chickens... Not sure on age...

    HELP! I’m not sure on age, maybe 2-3 months? Just trying to find out if I have any roos. BJ is black jersey giant, BR Is barred rock, and #1 & #2 are EE... I’m not seeing any roo behaviors so far. TIA for any insight ☺🙂
  6. I

    Hen or roo

    Hi! I'm new here I would like to know if anyone can tell if my 13 weeks old Easter egger is a roo or a hen. Thanks!!
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