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    Had a Scare Today!

    My 14-week old pullets get a bit of free-range time. I love to see them so happy running around and flapping their wings, chasing each other for some moth they caught. If I’m not able to stay with them the whole time, I keep the door open to listen for hawks and eagles and do sight checks every...
  2. hannahbear

    Eagle Protection - Guard Geese and Electric Poultry Netting

    Hey Guys, I'd love some input here. I am planning on free ranging our 8 ducks out in our pasture along with our two geese. However, we're in the PNW and we have a lot of eagles. I have 4' electrified poultry netting to protect against our ground predators (mostly coyotes - and they're are safely...
  3. Bald Eagle Adult & Immature

    Bald Eagle Adult & Immature

    Two Bald Eagles, and adult and a immature, perched in a tree. The adult is the the one with the white head on the left and the immature is all brown in the top right corner.
  4. Tilly6

    I might have to give up. Can’t fight the eagles

    I don’t think I can keep a family of eagles from attacking the ducks whenever they want. The geese can give a warning, but I just don’t think that gives them enough time to get under cover especially when the trees have no leaves. There are 3 eagles all together. 2 adults and a juvenile. I am...
  5. tayjamieson

    Eagle's and Hawks Landing in my backyard - going for my chickens & ducks

    Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been a able to get on but the past 2 days I've had to chase an eagle out of my backyard that was about to grab my pekin's and chickens. I am surrounded by farm lands/crops so my area always has eagles and hawks around. I've been pretty lucky to say they...
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