dust bath ideas

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    How to set up a chicken dust bath

    I am reading up on mites and things and have learned that it makes a LOT of sense to set up a chicken dust bath and add stuff like DE. But my questions are: 1. How big should the dust bath be? 2. Other than DE should I put anything else in their dust bath to prevent pests and keep it healthy? 3...
  2. AmberNate

    Coop Setup? Food, shavings..etc.

    Hi everyone! I'm a brandy new chicken mama and have 4 eight week old Easter eggers. They're still in their brooder and we will be moving them to their coop in the next couple weeks. They have a small attached outdoor run, and then a ramp into their indoor coop. They run is on dirt/weeds. Here...
  3. Dust Bath

    Dust Bath

    I use a mix of wood ash, sand, soil and diatomaceous earth.
  4. Pixelsaurus

    The Coop DeVille and Spa (Part 2) - a playhouse conversion / COVID project

    Part 2 of my Coop DeVille project….securing the chicken run, roost and poop board V 3.0 and 4.0, new hens, nesting boxes, ventilation, a spa and more. May 4 & 5. Now that the girls have moved into the coop, the clock is ticking on securing the chicken run. I was able to get hardware cloth...
  5. BigBlueHen53

    Dumb question but ....

    Assume I know nothing about construction. And I have a little pile of 2x4's left over from another job. I don't want them to go to waste. Now I think, what could I do (or more accurately, have done) with these things? Idea! Build a dust bath for my girlies. Can anybody direct me to a simple plan...
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