dual purpose meat bird

  1. mandelyn

    Processing Video - Hand Plucking - Cooked same day

    Several months ago I started documenting my flock and methods on YT. Finally got to do a processing video. Our freezer didn't have any chicken in it, since we were between harvest batches, but I did have a group of 14 week old American Bresse cockerels. So I went out and selected one that looked...
  2. FunClucks

    Bachelor pad for cockerels raised for meat - helpful advice?

    I hatched 20 of my own eggs and came up with at least 14 cockerels. They are Production Red x Prairie Bluebell mainly, and are flighty, active, and a number of them are aggressive to each other and me. They are only 5 weeks old, and about the size of a songbird, not quite the size of a pigeon...
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