droopy tail

  1. D

    Please help! Why is my duck’s dropping light orange and white?

    She last ate mussels. We’ve been feeding her it regularly since we’re out of duck feed, but this has never happened before. I believe there isn’t any orange in mussels, so I’m not sure why she’s had an orange dropping or what it’s indicating. She’s also been shaking her head and generally...
  2. D

    Why did my duck act like she’d lay an egg soon but ended up not laying?

    She’s even trying to sleep now. I’m happy she seems fine, but I’m worried she may be egg bound. Still, she seems pretty good to me. Her tail is a little droopy, but it’s been like that for sometime now and her eyes are quite awake when she looks at me, so I don’t think she feels unwell. She...
  3. A-Chicken-Person

    Sick chicken

    My sweet girl Dixie was sluggish and sat down when she ate she also had this really bad poopy butt. She is getting better, she is still slow but not waddling by feeling her keel she seems to have lost weight compared to other chickens. She still has the bad diarrhea and I wash her behind with...
  4. J

    Droopy tail but acting normal

    I have 6 chickens that have always been in perfect health. I raised 5 of the chickens myself and 1 I got after she was a year old. Out of the 5 babies (they’re actually about 5 months old now) one has grown the fastest. She is a BEAST. She’s always been 3x as big as the others. She has always...
  5. WolfLady

    Hen with paralyzed tail? It that possible?

    Hi! I have a hen that always has droopy tail. At first, I thought she was sick, but it's been 2 months already and she's acting normal. I did notice she was pecked (or she pecked herself?) the base of her tail to blood a month ago, but nothing concerning and it healed well by its own. I decided...
  6. S

    Droopy jersey giant chick! Help!

    Hi everyone! So I currently have 8 week old chicks that I’ve been trying to mix in with my adult hens. I’ve been giving them “play dates” to try to get them to get used to each other. This morning however I noticed that one of my jersey giant chicks was looking droopy and just wanted to lay...
  7. J

    Droopy comb, runny poop, drooping tail, 4yo hen, sick

    We have a 4 year old hen. We just lost one chicken that slowly lost weight and eventually stopped eating all together and I had to put her down. We tried everything short of the vet to save her... Cleaning coop, moving coop, changing food, draining for sour crop (which she had before and...
  8. H

    Help!! Sick chicken during lockdown!

    Hi all, I woke up today to let the chickens out and I have a very sick hen who suddenly can't stand. She did a normal looking large poop then just squatted down and couldn't stand. She is puffed up, very droopy tail and a bit sleepy but largely alert, clear eyes comb and wattle look good as...
  9. F

    Help! Droopy hen

    Hello! New here! We recently decided to (FINALLY) get some chickens for our home. We have 24 young chicks still, not laying yet- and we were given 2 chickens (a rooster & black rock hen) that are a little over a year old. They have been through a stressful situation (they were part of a 30 bird...
  10. Toulouse-Lautrec

    Sick hen, tail and rear end tucked under with low energy

    My hen has been sick for 4 days now. Her tail and rear end is tucked under or "droopy" and she isn`t really moving (walks like a penguin) but really only sitting there. She layed an egg on the first day of her sickness, so I do not believe she is egg bound. She isn`t eating her regular layer...
  11. chicgrrl

    buff orpington hen tail down & not going up on perch - is she sick?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but my buff orpington hen has been weird for quite a few months and seems to be related to last spring when she went broody. I had a buff orpington rooster, initially. After he'd found his voice, one neighbor complained. It was an...
  12. Leihamarie

    Lash egg???

    Hi all, My 1.5 year old EE who has been laying thin-shelled eggs (but otherwise in excellent health) started walking oddly, tail pumping about a week and a half ago. Noticed it right away, took her inside and gave her an epsom soak + 2tsp olive oil and she popped out a small rubber egg. had...
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