disease risk

  1. CassieTheChickenTender

    rescued hen need tips!

    I just rescued this hen!!! I actually rescued four hens and a duck but was only able to keep ONE. A family friend is going through a divorce so we decided to rescue the animals after finding about 10+ chickens and ducks that were dead. I absolutely had to take them and find the other homes. I...
  2. 5

    PLEASE HELP…..Feather Loss = Disease!?!

    Hi! In Fall 2020, one of my hens molted early, in November/December 2020 two of other my hens began to molt, one of the two had a hard molt. When winter ended, my hen that hard molted fully grew her feathers back, but my other hen didn’t. Two more of my hens have this odd feather loss that...
  3. Sashjack

    Petsitting friend’s chickens in the same area as our own chicks?

    Hello! We received our first ever day-old chicks about two weeks ago. :love We are giving them water soluble minerals and electrolytes, feeding them medicated chick feed, and they all received a vaccine against Marek’s Disease prior to coming. A few had impacted crop and some issues with poop...
  4. HungryHippie

    Backyard cleanliness

    Hi guys. I’m new here. I did try searching several keywords before posting this question, hopefully I didn’t just miss it. There’s a long winded version and a short version of my question below. To try and keep this as short and sweet as possible- I’m trying to decide how worried I need to...
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