
  1. V

    Baby Chicken stayed a bit in rain yesterday and is sick since then.Please help

    Hello!As the title says My 1 week old chicken stayed for like 5 minutes in rain but got really sick,the other 7 managed to get to safety and are ok!!He barely eats or drinks.I fed him some boiled eggs with cheese and gave him water as that's what a lot of people tell me they can eat when they...
  2. Chocorobo12

    My pekin died in the most brutal way and I am so guilt stricken

    I wasn't home this past weekend so I had my mom feed my 4 pekins and lock them in their little coop at night. I got home yesterday at around noon only to behold the ghastliest sight.. I found one of my pekins with a SEVERE prolapsed vent... with her instenstine dragging on the ground.... there...
  3. C

    HELP! Hen making a gurgling sound!

    Ok, so I got 3 new hens last week. Gold laced Orpington, Black sex link, and a Cukoo maran. Today I got up and the Gold laced Orpington is making a gurgling sound. What do I do? Will she die? Will it spread to the rest of my flock? I didn't hear anyone else making the sound.
  4. Littlefrenchyinbigtexas

    Why do my baby chicks die?

    Hello! I had three chicks (buff Orpington) born out of the incubator two weeks ago. They are now in a big tub in the garage with two older chicks (6 weeks old) with a normal lamp close to them to keep them warm. It is not a heat lamp, as I am kinda scared of the fire hazard with these lamps. We...
  5. HomeHatcher22

    How long can quail stay in the incubator?

    I am incubating quail eggs and today is hatch day and i am going to be gone for two days will any of my quail die?
  6. HomeHatcher22

    How long can quail stay in the incubator?

    I am incubating quail eggs and today is hatch day and i am going to be gone for two days will any of my quail die?
  7. HomeHatcher22

    How long can quail stay in the incubator?

    I am incubating quail eggs and today is hatch day and i am going to be gone for two days will any of my quail die?
  8. HomeHatcher22

    How long can quail stay in the incubator?

    I am incubating quail eggs and today is hatch day and i am going to be gone for two days will any of my quail die?
  9. M

    Chickens get lethargic and then die

    I am new to keeping chickens. I have had my chickens for about 3 months. A couple of months ago one of my chickens got really lethargic. I noticed it was moving slowly and would let me pick it up without trying to get away or flap its wings. Not knowing if it was sick and if it would get better...
  10. Hens Passing Away Due to Old Age: What to Expect

    Hens Passing Away Due to Old Age: What to Expect

    In memory of Henry. So, you’ve done everything right. You’ve maintained your flock well; they’re healthy, fat, and happy old women. You should certainly give yourself a pat on the back... you’ve done a good job caring for your chickens. It’s been somewhere between five and ten years since...
  11. Elizabeth1987

    Sick Chick! Help!

    Hi, I am brand new to chickens. I just got my chicks in the mail today. I ordered 6 and 2 had died already. :( So now I have four, but one (named Gilly) is not doing so well. She is just sleeping and not as active as the other chicks. I read to give it sugar water and egg but how do I feed it...
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