diagnose help

  1. E

    Help diagnosing chicken eye infection

    Hi everyone — any help at all you can provide about our hen’s eye infection we observed yesterday would be really welcome. There aren’t any avian vets near us and we don’t have experience with this kind of infection. She seems to be walking around and eating fine and her other eye looks normal.
  2. B

    Does anyone know what this is?

    My chicken has this sac on her head that feels as if there was air or water in it. It does not feel like a tumor and is slightly squishable. It's almost as big as a quarter in diameter and doesn't seem to be bothering her (still lays eggs and behaves normally), so is this something I should be...

    Sick Goose (Diagnosis?)

    Hello, I have a sick goose for about a week now and am attempting to diagnosis him. He is eating and drinking still. He went to the vet and got a blood test and heavy metal test. The blood test came back and said he had anemia which tracks considering his beak is looking poor. Still waiting on...
  4. M

    Lump on chick breast

    To the folks on this thread who have responded! It is Crop. So I will give you an update Tomorrow like you have asked! Thanks for your help ❤️ I will keep a closer eye on these gals!
  5. BerthaBoo

    Watery, whiteish poop, lack of appetite, how to treat?

    Hi all, I have a 15 week old pullet. Noticed some watery poop from her yesterday, and today she seemed a little less active/slightly lethargic so I separated her and brought her into the house. Outside she was standing around, head tucked down and in. Her stool is watery, and the occasional one...
  6. nekocafe

    One chicken sneezing another runny nose

    Hi, I need help! I have two 1 year old hens that seem off. **UPDATE: No sneezing but still has a deep bawk sound** One is sneezing a little with a croupy/deeper squawks, not all the time, but enough for me to notice it’s happening. Not eating as much today but still a healthy plump girl. No...
  7. horselove

    Partial paralysis, among other symptoms, help diagnose!

    Today I noticed a hen that could not use one leg. She also has a purple-black tinge around the edge of her comb, as well as a prominent keel and fluid in her abdomen, plus missing feathers around her butt despite being at the top of the pecking order and lately she has had weak eggs, but all the...
  8. auzzvacha

    2.5 week old mallard with twitching wings

    Hi, I have a 2.5 week old mallard duckling. She is a rescue so is with me all the time but we try to spend a couple hours a day outside with the other ducks so she can integrate back into being a duck as she grows. Because this is my first duckling I’m not sure if her actions are normal. Her...
  9. Cheeping Crazy

    Sick Chickens with watery poop

    Hello, I have a question about my 5 chickens who all seem to be having very watery poop and I can not figure out what the cause is. I am very worried about them and do not know what to do anymore. We have tried power drops, vitamin water, garlic, oregano, live yogurt and all sorts. It all...
  10. Broken Fox


    I found this company the other day and thought I would share the information for those that are unable afford an expensive vet visit. They do fecal floats and have lab services for parasite diagnosis. http://midamericaagresearch.net/instructions.php
  11. S

    Pale comb rhodee island red chicken

    In the last 2 days my sweet rhode island chicken got a illness as you know with chickens they dont have much recovery chance when it comes to this things can please someone help me with the situation? She also doesnt rum away from me fast
  12. S

    Pale comb (rhode island red)

    In the last 2 dats my sweet rhode island chicken got a illness as you know with chickens they dont have much recovery chance when it comes to this things can please someone help me with the situation?
  13. cnielsen

    what is wrong with my hen? (lash egg, naked bottom)

    Hi there. Me and my family are fairly new to owning chickens, with a little experience from the past. Recently we got 7 hens of various breeds and 1 rooster from some friends, and we love them so much. We left on vacation about a week or two after first getting them, and a seemingly healthy hen...
  14. atalanta

    What is going on with the Roo's comb? : Diagnosis please

    This is Mr. Burns, is is a Pekin Cochin of unknown age (we think he's old), this formed on his comb in the last month. Please offer a suggested diagnosis and treatment... Thank you
  15. karenmragan

    Please Help

    I have a 4 month old legbar pullet who is ill and I can't figure out what it is. She has been this way for approximately five days. The poor coordination is accompanied by sneezing. This video should explain: I should add there has not been any nasal or ocular discharge.
  16. S

    Help diagnosing ducklings please

    Hey all we have a number of 5 week old ducklings that have been doing good up until now. This morning 3 of them where acting super lethargic, head back, little twitches unable to stand. One of them was even on it's back with laborered breathing. Weve gotten em inside warmed up and even tube fed...
  17. MMA727

    Does this look like Black head disease ?

    Curious if the black spots on my Tom looks like black head disease? He is behaving normal.
  18. chickendad87

    Sick Chicken Old Chicken

    Last two days as I closed up the coop for the night, I noticed one of my Production Reds has bedded down on the ground! tonight I can tell she is more, not lethargic, but docile than usual. Not skiddish when lots of eye contact is made (that's unusual for this one). And her comb is dry on the...
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