depressed chicken

  1. Layla_Chickens

    Broody hen!

    I while back I posted about my broody hen and how she was so eager to hatch. Since that day she has still been broody and I have no Idea what to do. I have taken her eggs then have let her laid them, i've separated her then put her back, I've even hand fed her in fear that she'll starve. She...
  2. Ajp23

    Confused about this hen and what is wrong with her. Maybe she is dying?

    I am at a loss on how to proceed. Here are the pertinent facts: Nearly one year old EE hen. Normal laying other than reduced frequency compared to all my other hens. Maybe 2-3 eggs per week. Monday had what seemed to be a bound egg - then laid the egg. Egg was normal. Rebounded for an...
  3. T

    One problem solved, another arises -- please help

    Hello, chicken family! I have an odd predicament. Please pardon the long-ish story as I try to get to my point/problem. (The story is necessary.) We have an amazing rooster. He's the kind everyone would love to have. He protects the flock and will let you hold him. He's so well-mannered...
  4. M

    Dog Attack

    One of my hens was attacked by my parent's dog on Christmas. She lost many feathers, has some very deep wounds, and is limping on the leg where most of the injuries are. Her leg is not broken but looks to be very bruised. We have been cleaning the wounds and using corona salve every one to two...
  5. K

    single chicken left after predator attack

    A predator broke into my run. It killed all but one of my chickens. She has no visible wounds and is moving and walking. If she survives the shock of this event what do I do next for her. She is alone now without a flock. Can she live on her own for some time? Do I ned to find a new flock for...
  6. danceonweeds

    Depressed Chicken, How to Manage?

    Hello and hope everyone is having a good day! I have something that I have never dealt with before in my 10 years of raising chickens. Last week, our 1 year old Egyptian Fayoumi rooster, Clyde, was killed. His main hen and hatch mate, Bonnie (who is also an egyptian fayoumi) has been slowly...
  7. S

    I think my chicken is depressed.

    I have a 10 month old cinnammon queen bantam mix, who I think is depressed. After I got home today, I found her in a coop, with another chick that had hatched with her, dead. I picked up the dead chicken, and found her following me, and she never does. I decided to see if she wanted to stay near...
  8. H

    I think our silkie is depressed??

    We had 2 beautiful silkies and unfortunately one of them was killed by a hawk 😭 so now we just have 1 left. We finally got an enclosure where it’s covered but she won’t be able to be a free range chicken again due to this mean old hawk. But over time (it’s been 3 weeks since the death) our other...
  9. T

    Depressed young chicken?

    Hello, all! Our chickens are about 3 months old and have been in their new coop for a month now. However, yesterday we lost one of our chickens due to her head getting wedged beneath some wood at the bottom of their house (this has since been remedied). All our chickens (Americaunas) have been...
  10. L

    Sick or depressed?

    Hi everyone, I recently lost my 5 year old silkie due to oviduct blockage. She was laying soft-shelled eggs and had 'solid material' in the oviduct. She was humanely euthanised last week. Now, my second egg-layer (3 year old French Marans) is looking very unwell. She was laying very small...
  11. C

    torn Ligaments treatment help please

    Hi all my little Pekin Bantam had an accident and was diagnosed by our vet as having torn her leg ligaments. . .I have been treating her with the anti inflammatory prescribed and she is on a sling. She was fine the first couple of days, feisty and eating but now she seems depressed, only eating...
  12. K

    Nutrition and Maintenance Care for Sick Chickens.

    Yesterday after 3 hours at the Vet office deliberating between euthanasia and treatment- I chose treatment option with a re-evaluation at the Vet's office in 14 days. Abigail- my 14 month old Australorpe has a distended abdomen and secondary respiratory infection. The x-ray showed masses in...
  13. brownshaverchickenmum

    Brown shaver stopped growing - looking for advice

    Hi all, I'm a first-time mum for my three babes and got them when they were a day old. I've read all the info and love them all so much (my workmates constantly ask how my chickens are doing). I wanted to ask if anyone has had this problem before - one of my girls has stopped growing. A bit of...
  14. Kdjc04

    Sad Hen

    We started with 4 hens, then found out one was a rooster and had to get rid of him. Two Buff Orpingtons and an Easter Egger with only one hen laying eggs. Something got one of the BO's and the two left became big buddies. Since we have had the chickens, they all became oddly close with our two...
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