delayed hatching

  1. W

    one egg not hatched day 23, but still alive, no pip

    Hi I just incubated 8 eggs, one was an early quitter. When I candled on day 16, all 7 were developed and moving, but one looked noticeably smaller maybe by a few days (but moving with good veins). Fast forward to hatch day and 6 chicks hatched on day 21. The one I had previously noticed as...
  2. HolaHenMama!

    Clutch won’t hatch w/ broody hen after 1 month!!

    Hi! I am new to chickens. We got a rooster after one of our hens and chicks got picked off by a hawk. My hen is a brahma if that matters. She started collecting eggs about a month ago. Her clutch kept growing until I marked them. She has been a pretty tenacious egg sitter so I am not sure if the...
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