deformed beak

  1. H

    ** One eyed Cross Beak Chick !

    Yesterday we Hatched out a baby chick that is Different from the rest. It's head is a bit misshapen, Has one eye and a Cross beak. I'm not sure if it can see but has drank water from my finger and it very active. Like a normal chick but Special 😉🙂🐥 Any suggestions to help it thrive would be...
  2. M

    Help! What is this? Pekin duckling

    4 day old Pekin duckling. Does anyone know what this is??
  3. Mama_Arty

    Culling Deformed 5 week pullet

    Hey everyone. So we got some chicks at the end of November. Bramahs, I'm very excited to watch grow. They came with a free friend. I can't remember which hatchery but it's one of the big ones. Well the little freebie is an Easter egger but it's got a Deformed beak. It's not scissor beak. More...
  4. Meidvsalith

    Beak Deformity (Underbite and Straight Lower Beak)

    This is my princess Fatima. I was wondering if anyone has experience with deformities such as this. For the most part she can eat fine, but she can’t peck like normal. Kinda makes me laugh and feel sad at the same time.
  5. Chickenwithnobrim

    Deformed overgrown beak

    I have a rescue chicken who's got no top beak, and the other one is overgrown and crooked. She hates being held down, hates her head being touched, and the combo makes it worse. Is there any suggestions to make it easier, how much I should try to correct her beak. Thanks I know this is a strange...
  6. M

    Deformed beak not sure what to do

    Hello everyone. I have a sapphire gem chick that is less than a month old. I noticed she had her head down and was losing her balance. I noticed she hadn’t eaten in a while and when I looked at her I noticed her beak was growing downward. She can’t open it much and I can’t get any food or water...
  7. L

    Slightly Crooked Beak

    It's more obvious in person, but this 4 week old (ish) chick has a slightly crooked beak. The top and bottom still meet, but will this turn into something worse?
  8. ChickenChick8721

    Call Duckling with Deformed Bill - HELP! Need Advice

    I have a call duckling that hatched with a deformed bill. It looks similar to scissor beak/crooked beak you find in chickens, but I think he only has one nostril. His tongue is also exposed so I’m constantly worried it’s going to dry out and cause him pain or make it difficult to eat. Right now...
  9. R3M1X

    Duckling's beak is starting to deform

    It's not much but the top beak is growing slower than the bottom beak. I read that this could be a vitamin d deficiency? I am feeding them chick starter, but due to the heater breaking in their outdoor brooder I had to bring them inside. This is only happening to this one duckling and I...
  10. GLoucesterChick

    top of beak/comb looks like a raisin on 4 week old

    Hi All, Im hoping someone can help either alleviate concerns or have a solution and some feed back would be most appreciated! I have a new batch of 6 chicks 4 weeks old. There is a golden laced wyandotte. She is much smaller than the rest of the chicks, She is about the same size as a silkie...
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