
  1. J

    Aggressive HAWK and pen security

    So I've now read a fair amount of things here to help deter hawks. The hawk(s) seem to be getting more aggressive. Great info and help here though! This evening the hawk swooped ME. I came outside expecting to scare him off again because my hens were yelling, but I couldn't find him. Then I...
  2. CommunistEgg

    Reflective pinwheels

    Has anyone had good luck with a reflective pinwheels or similar for deterring Hawks? I woke up to three Hawks, one being a large redtail in our yard scoping out our hens. Our set up is far from perfect or even complete, it's a fairly small space but half is a portion of our garden that we...
  3. jessica8804

    Fox attacked yesterday - when can I free range again? Badly injured Chick

    It was a rainy day and when the rain had stopped at about 5pm, I felt so bad locking all my girls up and I let them out. Big mistake. Luckily my husband heard the chain link fence rattle. We think that it was a younger fox, on his own. He killed one of my full grown hens before my husband got...
  4. NotDenice

    Do all Roosters Peck at chicks?

    Hello! Second post on here, from the last post I was concerned in how eggs laying would essentially go for older eggs, but now I have two cute chicks- Butters and Benji! but i also have the father- He’s seen the chicks but hasn’t pecked at them once! Yes he’s curious and the hen allows him to...
  5. tayjamieson

    Eagle's and Hawks Landing in my backyard - going for my chickens & ducks

    Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been a able to get on but the past 2 days I've had to chase an eagle out of my backyard that was about to grab my pekin's and chickens. I am surrounded by farm lands/crops so my area always has eagles and hawks around. I've been pretty lucky to say they...
  6. thewingman_landon

    There may be more than at least one this time (Alt-Right)

    The history of chickens (Gallus domesticus) is a bit of a puzzle. They were first domesticated from a wild form called red junglefowl (Gallus gallus), a bird that still runs wild in most of southeast Asia, likely hybridized with the gray junglefowl (G. sonneratii). Common predators that feed on...
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