day 21 no hatch

  1. ChickaChicka1

    Is there life?
  2. ChickaChicka1

    Day 21 no internal or external pips **PICTURES

    Hi there! This is my first time incubating eggs, so I don't really know what to be looking for. On March 2nd, I set 7 Barred Plymouth Rock eggs (they are shipped eggs I got from Meyer Hatchery) in the incubator around 1pm, which makes today day 21. 5 eggs made it to lockdown. The temperature...
  3. M

    Day 21 still no pips

    I’m currently hatching road islands and on day 18 when I put them into lockdown they were all good and moving. Early day 19 the smallest egg started to Pip but no other eggs did and by the end of the day it was fully hatched but day 20 there was still no pips and now it’s day 21 so I took the...
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