curled toe

  1. N

    Broken toe(s)??

    Hi there! I'm completely new to this chicken life and looking for some guidance. I'm concerned about this one's toes. He/She is about 9 weeks old and we just moved him/her to a larger coop. I thought it possibly hurt itself while using the roosting bar for the 1st time....but multiple toes look...
  2. M

    Limping lady with curled toes

    Yesterday I noticed she was limping. I soaked her foot but didn’t see or feel anything. I noticed her toes are curled when I pick her up. She is still holding that leg up and limping when she walks on it. She is eating and drinking. I’m a new mom and could use the help.
  3. katie_94

    Later hatch and by itself. Need advice.

    Yesterday on day 17, 13 or the 19 eggs I have incubating hatched and were causing chaos for one egg that I could tell would take about 24 hours pip to zip. Today on day 18, I moved everyone else to the brooder and this 14th chick finally hatched without interruptions about 2 hours later. The...
  4. L

    Cinnamon Queen 7-8wks old-curled toe?

    One of our Cinnamon Queens we got from Tractor Supply... 1) it’s interesting the other one has a normal comb. This one with curled toe has a flat wide ridge where her comb would be? Idk. 2)just noticed yesterday, far right toe on right leg... left in the pic... is curled up and she keeps walking...
  5. iloverunnerducks

    Speckled Sussex with Curled Toes

    Hello! I have a Speckled Sussex hen (Named Cookie/Chipmunk) of about 4 months. She hasn't started laying yet and seems healthy in all other aspects (mid-level in the pecking order and has no problems perching), but she has two curled toes, one on the outer toe of each foot. It doesn't seem to...
  6. Princelyinanna

    Curled toe or slipped tendon?

    Here is my chick that is 1 week old now. (Shipped from MPC) I treated her for curled toes by putting a chick boot on her (coardboard and bandaid) for a few days. She still does not like to walk on the foot. Is that normal or should I be doing more? I also became aware of a condition called...
  7. C

    Chicken having leg problems

    I have a three week old chick who had curled toes when we got her and we tried to fix it, but her legs ended up getting splayed and we tried tying them together with pipe cleaners but it’s causing more problems. We don’t what to do now. She’s definitely smaller than our others of her same age...
  8. Hodgepodge Farm

    Help! Emu losing scales from her leg.

    Our sweet “Maggie” is about 1 year old. When she was 5month old, she started limping. We noticed there was a small bump between toes. We figured it was like a bumblefoot. We have treated bumblefoot on chicken and geese by ourselves before, but we were not able to hold her down to provide the...
  9. U

    Advice on hen walking on hocks and curled toes

    Hello! This is my first post... and I’m a first time chicken owner. This may be long and I apologize. Please no judgements, I’m just looking to see if anyone has any advice or has been through something similar. About 2 weeks ago, I checked on our ladies before going to bed, and noticed one of...
  10. Mother of Chooks

    Young Rooster with Sore Feet

    Hello everyone! Recently I've been trying to track down the exact cause of a problem my young cockerel has with his feet and I've decided it might be best to get a second opinion on him. Flash is a Plymouth Rock roo of about 4 months of age who seems to be walking on the very base of his feet...
  11. H

    paralyzed or swollen hocks limiting movement?

    Hi, We were given a 12 week old pullet that at first seemed just emaciated and weak. She barely ate the first few days but now she eats well, especially liking cooked egg yolks and dried meal worms in addition to the chick starter feed. Her head and neck move fine, but she doesn't stand or walk...
  12. casportpony

    How to Fix Curled Toes in Chicks

    Sometimes chicks will hatch with curled toes and I wanna know how you fix curled toes in your chicks. Please share your methods and pictures in this thread. This is how I do mine: I wait 24 hours after hatch to see if the will straighten out on their own. If they don't straighten in 24 hours I...
  13. MatthewsHomestead

    New quail hatchling issue....

    I have four successfully hatched quail chicks (may be more to follow). Three are very lively and speed around the brooder super fast. The other is still drying off as it was the last to hatch. I noticed it looked like one of its toes was shorter than the rest. When I picked it up to inspect it I...
  14. J

    chick LEG problem? splayed? pics

    this little one is nearly 3 days old now and hasn't been able to walk, just sort of hobbles along/slides itself forward. at first we thought it was a bad case of splayed leg and made a brace for it but now are afraid it might be something worse since it does not like to use its right leg at all...
  15. erzulieloo

    question about curled extra toe

    hi! I received a shipment of chicks last wednesday which included a blue favaucana. it has a curled toe, but it happens to be in the back. she's big and strong and seems very healthy and doesn't have any trouble at all getting around. my question is this: i know i can splint curled toes. but...
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