culling questions

  1. P

    Is it time to cull my 3 month old hen? Vet said it's a pinched nerve or Marek's.

    VIDEO HERE: My husband and I are first time chicken owners. Two weeks ago one of our hens, Moon, very suddenly had balance issues. Just hours before she was running around and jumping up on all the roosts. Then when we went to give them an evening treat before bed we noticed her walking with...
  2. A

    Did I do the right thing?

    I just culled a baby chick for the first time and am feeling very sad about it. We had a baby with a difficult hatch. It was our last hatching egg at 25 days. It took a long time after pip to start any progress (a little more than 24 hours) and was moved in the incubator because we were worried...
  3. Z

    Ceremonies or rituals for putting down a chicken

    Hi, I hope this is the right section to post this. I have a 3 year old Rhode Island Red who I am pretty certain is laying internally because she has water belly and several large lumps on her side near her gizzard. She's clearly in pain and hasn't moved and has been barely been eating or...
  4. fivechicks715

    Should I cull my chicken

    She is 2 years old, my favorite girl. Here’s a little backstory: I had 6 chickens, then two months ago one of my silkies wasn’t coming out of the run, but was still walking and eating, then I found her dead one day leaned over as if she died in her sleep. Then a month or so after that my buff...
  5. Everlastinghoop

    First cull today. Question about processing issue

    So I did it. My self, my hubs helped with prep and making sure to be extra hands etc......but I did it! And this was a hybrid roo from our first Batch of our own babies from our first Cochin and all his four ladies We mail ordered last Sept, anyways, I incubated 22 eggs after our surprise roo...
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