crop surgery

  1. D

    7 week old chick crop issues

    Hello!! I've ordered two Mystic Marans and one of them has developed beautifully and with no issues. The first time I noticed any issues with her sister was when she was about 2 weeks old. I noticed her crop being larger than normal and I was hopeful that it would flatten overnight. To keep...
  2. Barredrocker99

    Crop surgery

    Hello!! Regarding my BR that has not seemed to be doing well, I have discovered her crop is definitely impacted. It is about the size of a tennis ball, hard as a rock, and not emptying at night. I could not induce vomiting, and I don’t want to try again as the mass in her crop feels quite large...
  3. Australorp94

    Impacted Crop (Crop Surgery)

    Hi BYC community. I have a chicken with an impacted crop. I've been trying to get the impaction to pass, but I'm having a hard time. Massaging the crop and a mild laxative called Dulcolax aren't working. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I think I'm getting to the point where crop surgery...
  4. TylerEngland

    safest way to clear impacted crop?

    Hi there! And thanks in advance! I feel like I'm having every new chicken mama problem and I'm so thankful for this community. My 8mo EE, Blanche, appears to have an impacted crop. I first noticed that her crop seemed rather full+firm yesterday morning, but I figured that maybe she had gorged...
  5. mkchickie

    Crop large again after surgery

    My 2 week old chick had crop surgery today after trying for several days to get it to empty with no success. She is doing well I think. She has had watery poops, drinking electrolyte water, and eating small amounts of plain yogurt. Is it normal for the crop to get large again with just water...
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