crop problems

  1. A

    Help! Pendulous crop issue!

    This is the first crop issue I've come across in my young flock, this is my first flock that I've raised and I didn't know what I was facing at the moment. One of my ameraucana hens, Momo, was visibly having problems with her crop, I first thought sour crop as I've seen the nasty liquid come out...
  2. Cotton Hill Chick

    Hen with large, soft, squishy crop... Sour crop? Something else?

    Hello BYC friends, I've just isolated an approximately 2 y.o. hen that is lethargic. Her eyes are bright, she is breathing fine. While I was holding her, examining her crop, it feels large (as in expanded), soft, and squishy. Almost not like a crop at all, but more like just her tissue if...
  3. CityslickerHomestead

    5 of 7 Chicks Have Hard Crops

    I need help on possible crop issues and after searching the forums and troubleshooting for a few days I’ve decided I need to ask for more help! I am brand new to raising chickens and currently have seven chicks (3 polish, 2 Welsummer, 1 Wyandotte, and 1 Americana) around 2 and 3 weeks of age...
  4. Tyson_chickens

    Sickly Chicken

    So my darling Henny (Easter Egger) has been acting quite strange the past couple of days. She hasn't be grazing like the others and she has been laying down most of the day in one spot. I go to pick her up and she pretty much allows me without any restraint. She used to go running around with...
  5. Nutmeg15

    Multiple Impacted Crops? Help with treatment/cause

    Hi all. One of my Orpington hens, Biscuit, seems to be exhibiting symptoms of what looks to me like an impacted crop. She is rotating her neck in a circular motion, and her crop is absolutely massive and very firm. She and the other flock members do not regularly eat grass (they have a big run...
  6. majasdee

    *Help!* Chicken with crop/constipation issues

    So we have a 1 year old Chinese silkie hen that has been nesting recently and a few weeks ago i had noticed she had lost a lot of weight so i separated her from the rest and have tried to put weight back on her. Long story short i had issues with putting weight on her so i took her to a bird...
  7. TylerEngland

    safest way to clear impacted crop?

    Hi there! And thanks in advance! I feel like I'm having every new chicken mama problem and I'm so thankful for this community. My 8mo EE, Blanche, appears to have an impacted crop. I first noticed that her crop seemed rather full+firm yesterday morning, but I figured that maybe she had gorged...
  8. Clemmy

    Crop Problems, Along with numb foot!

    My Easter egger, who is an older hen has been having many medical problems. We rescued her form a fire, and we do not know her exact age. For the past few months, many medical problems have risen. First, she is limping, and it appears that on of her feet is completely lifeless. She walks on this...
  9. ChickenMama308

    Impacted crop on a severely underweight hen - how to treat?

    Hi everyone! My sweet hen Nani (2 years old rhode island red hen) has been through a lot these past few weeks, and where we're at now, is an impacted crop. She's eating very little, but still managing to eat a bit of spinach. Overall low / sleepy energy and staying in one place mostly...
  10. WeNeedDrPhil

    Rooster losing balance and sleepy.

    Hey everyone! I must say the past month and some change was pretty rough for me. My hen with canker unfortunately passed away despite my (and your!) efforts. And now my rooster seems to be sick also. I have already confirmed by peeking into his beak that it is not canker, which was the cause of...
  11. L

    Pekin Bantam with swollen crop feels like jelly?

    Hello, my pekin bantam Raven was absolutely fine yesterday however today she has been extremely lethargic, struggling to keep her eyes open and letting me pick her up when she normally runs off as out of my hens she's the only one who steers away from me. She appears to have some sort of limp...
  12. S

    Sour crop for 1 month.

    I’m running out of options. I had a vet prescribe me Albon over the phone in the early stages of this issue and did nothing (because that’s not what she needed) I have treated her with ACV, fresh garlic, probiotics, electeolytes, plain yogurt, olive oil and maggots when it felt impacted. I also...
  13. Pundamilia

    Slow / Impacted Crop

    I have a problem with one of my girls - Bella - I wanted to ask you about... About four weeks ago, I started to notice Bella drinking more and her poos during the day were soft - sometimes watery. I reduced vegetable and fruit treats in case this was the cause but it continued. I then noticed...
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