crooked neck

  1. M

    Is This Wry Neck?

    My silkie D’uccle mix has started circling repeatedly at times, and seems to be turning her head and tail at odd angles. Her appetite hasn’t let up and she has no trouble eating. Has anyone seen this behaviors before? Should I be concerned? And if so, what should I do about it?
  2. heatherschiefer

    Seeking advice one month into wry neck treatment

    So I have this pullet, she's a RIR who should be reaching the age of laying. She was a spring chick. One morning I noticed she was walking with her head tilted and immediately began treating for wry neck. There are no other symptoms. The only thing I noticed was a small crack in her beak, so I...
  3. pattijoiner

    URGENT HELP (pic attached)

    Yesterday, he was totally fine. Came out this morning and he is like this. Neck going to side as well. Doing nutridrench and electrolytes now. What could this be?
  4. BeekeeperChick

    Bent neck, too long hatching

    Hello! I am hatching out some Black Copper Marans eggs. I put them in the incubator (Janoel 12) on May 13. The first babies were born yesterday (3 of them) and two more in the night. One had cracked it's shell nearly all the way around but could not get out so I assisted by peeling just teeny...
  5. P

    Crooked Neck in Quail Chick

    Hi all, whilst I was at work yesterday one of my quail chicks somehow injured their neck and I came home to find it at an angle to the side. It doesn’t seem to hurt them too much as they still forage and drink, and I can rotate their head gently between my fingers without noticeable distress...
  6. Sophie-lou

    Wry neck!! Please help!! Indian runner duckling

    Hi there, I'm new to hatching and have just hatched 3 Indian runner ducklings. One of them has a crooked neck. It's not as bad as some of the pictures I have seen and he/she is able to drink and eat on there own. I have ordered some vitamin D infant drops, which have vitamin D3, Vitamin E and...
  7. Farmer In Training

    What do I do if my duckling has a crooked neck?!

    hey all! This is just in case someone ever looks this up on google. Hi. I recently went through a long journey with a little duckling named twister. His neck had developed wrong and it was curved. If you have a duckling like this and need some advice, I’m answering some questions I had that I...
  8. H

    crooked neck and back

    The one pullet we are trying to cure from what seemed to be wry neck still has issues. Her tail area turns to the left and her neck is crooked. She can do all the walking motions but her crookedness makes her too off balance to walk. We have done the B vitamins and E vitamin and it has been more...
  9. Chickadee1982

    Two week old bantam chick has crooked neck/ spine

    I got some chicks from the feed store a few weeks ago. They were all healthy except for bad pasty butt. About 3 days ago I noticed my barred bantam cochin chick looking funny. Her neck seems to be positioned sideways. Not tilted backwards like wry neck, but I felt the neck, and the spine...
  10. Canine and Co

    Crooked / Wry Neck

    Hi all, about 7 weeks ago, one of my hens was attacked by dogs. Her external injuries healed really well and after a couple of weeks I put her back in the flock, but a day or two later I noticed she developed a crooked neck (I presume from her injuries during hte attack). I've been treating...
  11. beneduck14

    Weird but succesful treatment of chick with wry neck, crooked toe, AND spraddled legs

    This is Pip, a Cobb500 born with a Wry neck and Crooked Toe and Spraddled legs from being in the egg too long. Pip was actually incubated with a huge crack that was taped with package tape. Other cracked eggs died from mold growth. ANYWAY, to treatment! Day 0 Taped his crooked toe with a...
  12. Reiki Rooster

    Adult Duck with Crooked Neck?

    So sorry just found this forum, I originally posted this under emergencies. My old hen passed away just the other night, my drake is a mess without her. I've contacted my local farmer, who I've gotten Guinea fowl from in the past. They told me the have 3 females I can choose from. My ducks are...
  13. Reiki Rooster

    Crooked Neck Adult Duck?

    My old hen passed away just the other night, my drake is a mess without her. I've contacted my local farmer, who I've gotten Guinea fowl from in the past. They told me the have 3 females I can choose from. My ducks are our pets so at the most I can handle would be 2 females. The woman told me...
  14. SilverKing78

    New to breeding and raising silver pheasants

    I bought a pair of silver pheasants last May, and this spring they layed eggs, I incubated them and managed to get 3 to hatch in mid May. I put them outside in a fenced in portion of their parents pen about 2 weeks ago and overnight the largest and fastest growing of the 3 got this crook in its...
  15. Rhadiante

    Advice needed for Pekin with crooked neck - will this self correct

    Hello Duck Enthusiasts, I am new to BYC and hoping to embed a video of my 7 week old duckling Lucy who is 1 month healing from what i think was a niacin deficiency. This is my third day giving her Vitamin E and Selenium. I am giving her spirulina and brewers yeast. Should i also give her Niacin...
  16. Rhadiante

    7 Week Old Pekin with Crooked Neck -bent downwards always

    Hello, I am new to Backyard Chickens and have been coming across a lot of great information after researching health issues from my ducklings who are now about 6 or 7 weeks old. I found Lucy May 12th on her back in the coop and she was unable to walk or hold her head up. She would often arch...
  17. Rhadiante

    7 week old Duckling with crooked neck

    Hello, I am new to Backyard Chickens and have been coming across a lot of great information after researching health issues from my ducklings who are now about 6 or 7 weeks old. I found Lucy May 12th on her back in the coop and she was unable to walk or hold her head up. I fed her B vitamins and...
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