
  1. T

    Broody but still laying eggs!

    My 11mos Welbar has gone Broody! A few days ago was the first we noticed her hanging in the nesting box and not getting out - she was sitting on 3 eggs, hers abe 2 from other hens. I moved her and took the eggs and she hung outside in the run the rest of the day not going back in the nest. Next...
  2. W

    Quarantine setup - anything else I should do?

    Hi there! I'm a new chicken mom, and I have gotten a few more birds from a neighbor that are in quarantine. However, I was very nervous when I first got chickens about predators (we do have raccoons in the area, though we have a large dog and I haven't seen them in my yard before). I worked hard...
  3. flutemomc

    How to keep a hen in the infirmary crate entertained and subdued!

    Our poor hen Henrietta has some internal injuries (confirmed by a vet who did x rays and found several spots of concern on her back and ribs) that most likely occurred from her falling off a perch during a rough molt and has been confined to the infirmary crate for a month!! She has only been...
  4. analyticalblonde

    Help Please...My Buff has gone Broody...

    Hi All, I have looked at past posts to try and figure out what to do...I'm a newbie in my first year of raising girls... Anyway, I am having a problem with one of my Buffs...she doesn't get out of the box at all! Not to eat, not to drink, not to dustbathe! She's been this way since last week...
  5. My new favorite brooder - Two level dog crate set up! (Picture included)

    My new favorite brooder - Two level dog crate set up! (Picture included)

    Hello Everyone! Having raised chickens in cardboard boxes for the first week, to large plastic storage bins, to dog crates and outdoor pop up screened tents prior to moving into the coop with the adults. I have to say out of all the dog crates we've used for when they're about 1 month old and...
  6. ForTheLoveOfFarming

    What "stage 2" cage do you use before the chicken coop?

    My 12 chicks are quickly outgrowing their current cage. They are 2 1/2 weeks old. Our chicken coop isn't built yet and they need a bigger space. What did you use? What is a guideline for how much room they need? When can I put them outside?
  7. Shippiing Crate Coop

    Shippiing Crate Coop

    Describe 'Shipping Crate Coop' here Two shipping crates from crqigs list
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