covered run

  1. B

    First Winter in Maryland covered run should it be wrapped in winter?

    I see so many posts but couldn’t really find anyone in my area. My chickens so far seem to enjoy the cooler temperatures (28 at night and 32-50 in days). Wondering if there is any need to wrap the fully covered run in plastic? My hens have access to their coop all day but seem to hang in the...
  2. Chick-Mahal

    Kicking them out of the house....

    I am just about to kick all 13 of them out of my house. All I have left is finishing the fencing. Essentially I guess I am building a huge bird cage. My run will have chicken wire over the top to stop those from above from eating my babies and 2 X 4 fence with chicken wire around then...
  3. Back of covered run

    Back of covered run

  4. Covered outdoor run

    Covered outdoor run

  5. The Blue House Coop

    The Blue House Coop

    This is my dream coop and run that I built in my suburban backyard for my family to enjoy. It's in an awkward space and the run had to be a non-standard shape, but everything turned out great and I'm very happy with it! The coop matches our house, and the run has a very woodsy, natural feel...
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