coop security

  1. J

    Aggressive HAWK and pen security

    So I've now read a fair amount of things here to help deter hawks. The hawk(s) seem to be getting more aggressive. Great info and help here though! This evening the hawk swooped ME. I came outside expecting to scare him off again because my hens were yelling, but I couldn't find him. Then I...
  2. Waters-flock

    Predator Proofing in Advance

    Sorry for the long message in advance. We recently moved from a large city to a rural location in Central Texas and are getting ready to add chicks in February. I am putting together two chicken coops and I am busy gathering information to make these coops as predator-proof as possible before...
  3. CristaBelle

    Urban Rural Interface

    Hello members, I am a city chick turned homebound rural animal care provider. The older I get the more my home life represents that of an earlier century. Originally, I adopted 6 hens from a client who sold her home to go into assisted living care almost 9 years ago now. Then I tried out my...
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