
  1. F

    Composting for Dummies

    New to chickens and I have a compost question. Point me to some articles or videos you like as I've been searching and am still just as confused and feel really stupid! My run is not big enough (yet!) to do any type of composting in the run. Right now it's grass that's turning into dirt, but...
  2. Chicken-Keeping Tips for City Slickers

    Chicken-Keeping Tips for City Slickers

    Those of us new to chickens and living on small city lots aren’t able to follow a lot of traditional chicken-keeping practices. Full-time free-ranging is out, for one, and all the advantages that it offers. So are the benefits of keeping a rooster to guard and guide the flock. And we generally...
  3. gtaus

    Deep litter bedding compost method for the garden

    I will soon be a first timer with laying hens. From what I have learned, I think the deep litter method would work best for me in northern Minnesota. I also have a 20X30 foot garden with raised beds. In zone 3b, our growing season is only about 4 months (June - September). I am thinking ahead of...
  4. CanadaEh

    Composting horse manure with chickens

    Our compost pile is within the chicken run (half of the run is filled with ~2ft of fall leaves + some kitchen scraps). Would it be a bad idea to add some horse manure/bedding to the pile for the purpose of helping to compost it including eliminating any residual seeds and to use it in the garden...
  5. Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    I have often wondered what I would do to feed my flock should circumstances arise which prevented me from purchasing pre-bagged formulated feed from the feed store. Hurricanes, floods, forest fires, other natural disasters, not to mention the world's shaky economy, any one of these scenarios...
  6. Dee Dee N Desiree

    We are new to Chickens

    Hi My name is Dee Dee, My niece, Desiree and I researched all the pros and cons of raising chickens for a year. In March when our local feed store had baby chicks we decided to go for it. Desiree is 13 and she spends a lot of her weekends with me. I do not have children of my own so I get to...
  7. ScottandSam

    Our Silkies Dr. Seuss style house (a building thread)

    Well since the 1st hatch of silkies hit 3 weeks old and the 2nd unhatched hit 3 days in a incubator. We found the time to get started on what will be one of the hardest projects I have every tried to build. I don't know when the idea came about, but we started researching pictures and designs...
  8. K

    Composting in the hen house...

    Hey everyone, so I have been contemplating chicken coop designs and trying to figure out the best solution for us. I have been doing research on permaculture with chickens and ran across this idea: I love the idea, but I have a few questions I would love others to weigh in on: we live in a...
  9. SheilaCondit

    Chickens with no intrest in composting

    My 10 hens and 1 rooster came from a place that had them in a run without grass and were fed from a feeder. I have a chicken coop, run, a enclosed yard, and acres of pasture with three 4 ft high mounds of horse manure. It's been 2 weeks since I let them in the pasture and I can tell you they...
  10. valentehomestead

    Help with Composting chick droppings

    OK, so my township requires that all chicken droppings be composted. I have never composted before so this is going to be a new venture, right along with the chicks. Not to sound stupid, but how do you start..I can buy a composter, and the stuff you put into it, but do you add dirt? How much? Do...
  11. pclark17

    Letting chickens clear the garden

    Is there any considerations I need to make before letting my hens have access to our summer garden space now that everything has just about ended production? We have green bean plants, okra, tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos, and some squash plants. I want to give them free run of the space but...
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