comb going dark

  1. Watermeat

    Comb changing colors??

    One of my girls has a comb that changes it's color multiple times a day. It can go from bright red, dull red, and bright and dull orange. It seems very unusual to me, since none of the other hens have this issue. I knew I had to post a forum after watching it turn from a bright red to a pale...
  2. BottomsUp

    Hen's comb and wattle are injured, right eye is swollen shut

    Hello, everyone! As the title says, I have a hen with an injured comb and wattle, and her right eye is swollen shut. I've been integrating some rescues into my flock, and have been keeping an eye on everyone during their limited but increasing time together. Yesterday one of my relatives let...
  3. R

    Pullet's Comb Turning Grey!? Please Advise!

    Please help me understand what's wrong with my little one. I had an Ameraucana pullet die at 17 weeks old on May 12 of avian leukosis. I had an Ameraucana pullet die at 18.5 weeks of Marek's on June 5. Now my 16.5 week old lavender Orpington named Opal suddenly has a grey comb. I hope you...
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